the land yield their fruits" (Levit–
icus 26:18-20).
Where Are We, Now?
Without doubt, we are now at the
precise point in biblical prophecy
where God is breaking "the pride
of our power"!
Notice! God does not at first
speak of breaking our power,
itself. Rather, He speaks of
breaking our pride in that
national se/f-confi–
and the national will to use
the power we still have.
Respected American as well as
foreign statesmen and commenta–
tors have noted this U.S. malaise.
Speaking of her pitiful ineptitude
in dealing with the Iranian situa–
tion, former secretary of both the
departments of energy and de-.
fense, J ames Scblesinger, stated:
" It is plain that respect for tbe
U.S. would be higher if we just
didn't fumble around continuous–
ly and weren't half apologet ic
about whatever we do. An image
of weakness is going to elicit this
kind of behavior. Wild as the
ayatollah seems to be,
he would
not dare touch the Soviet Em–
(emphasis ours).
"Image of weakness"?
Yes, indeed. Though we easily
have been the greatest military
power in modern times, we are
not perceived as such because we
have lost faith in ourselves, we
lack coherent national goals and
we bave lost the will to use our
power to achieve our goals.
Peregrine Worsthorne, one of
the most respected and incisive
editorialists in Britain, recently
wrote, "Increasingly, in recent
years, the United States has g iven
the impression of a nation that
has lost its way, on which allies
would be foolish to rely."
Even former President Richard
Nixon stated in his latest book
The Real War
that "the United
States appears so lost in uncer–
tainty or paralyzed by propriety
that it is either unable or unwill–
ing to act." Again, later on this
same page, he states: "We cannot
afford to waffle and waver. Either
we act like a great power or we
will be reduced to a minor power,
and thus reduced we will not
s urvive-nor will freedom or
Western values survive."
A prophetic comment indeed
from a former President of the
world's most powerful nation!
For this is precisely where we
are in the timetable of biblical
prophecy- the point where
national pride
What Next?
What if our peoples will not
repent even after this national
humiliation? Then as Lev. 26:20
outlines, our agricultura! bounty
will begin to be removed. We will
no longer be the breadbasket of
the world!
Then, as verses 21-22 foreteÜ,
animal-carried plagues, perhaps
part1y caused by the millions of
teeming rats in our major cities,
will strike our people. Our ways
or " highways" will become deso–
late. Raging disease epidemics,
food shortages and riots and con–
sequent fear will help empty our
roads and superhighways. In ad–
dition, a major, crippling oil
embargo may finish the job.
Not too difficult to imagine,
is it?
The great Creator who directly
inspired this prophecy goes on to
describe the ultimate horrors of
abject starvation and disease, na–
tional destruction and national
s lavery-unless His inspired
warning is heeded by the proud,
stu bborn and mate ri alistic
peoples of the enti re English–
speaking world!
peoples of America and the British
Commonwealth do indeed have a
" rendezvous with destiny"- a glo–
rious destiny to be withheld from
us until sincere, heartfelt repen–
tance occurs before the omnipo–
tent God who gave us all that we
have ever possessed!
When 1 first heard God's ser–
vant, Herbert W. Armstrong,
describe these prophecies in
1944, 1 had no idea how they
would come about. 1 did not know
that it would take so long- by
our impat ient human reckoning.
But surely, inexorably, the big
events Mr. Armstrong foretold
have come to pass- most of the
sea gates are gone, our pride is
waning, the proud British Empire
is no more. And the clímax of
these events is just ahead.
Germany and ltaly have, in–
deed, been rebuilt quickly and
Germany is already a powerful
force in the beginnings <;>f a
United Europe-just as prophe–
sied. Soon- prompted perhaps by
another Arab oi l embargo-a
full-scale European Empire will
take shape. Surprisingly to sorne,
it will not ultimately include Brit–
Combined with a great reli–
gious power, this European union
will bring about a restoration of
the Holy Roman Empíre- a
force that will unite quickly and
form a third power bloc every bit
as great as the United States or
the Soviet Union. Ten nations or
blocks of nations will give their
power to one great leader (see
Revelation 17:12-14).
will be this power-not the
Russians- that will subdue a
sick, demoralized and divided
United States and Britain . This is
the power that will briefly rule all
Europe and even fight the glori–
fied Christ at His Second Com–
ing! (Revelation 17: 14).
So the time is
just ahead of
Along with countless thou–
sands of other longtime
readers, 1 will not be sur–
prised. For 1 heard God's servant
prophesy these very events in
detail more than 30 years ago. I
remember! I
what is com–
ing. l also know what 1 need todo
to escape.
Do you?
Be sure to write immediately
for your free copy of Herbert W.
Armstrong's gripping and
powerful book
The United States
and Britain in Prophecy.
It will
tell you in fascinating detail the
prophesied events that are already
underway, today, and the big
events just ahead that will soon
your lije.
Studying and
heeding the message contained in
this vital book will be one of the
most important steps you have
ever taken before the dawn of the
wonderful World Tomorrow
prophesied in your Bible.