pushing their way toward the
Rhine. American bombers by day
and British bombers by night
were pulverizing the German ci t–
ies. The Allies were absolutely
determined to crush Hi t ler 's
Third Reich so totally that- as
many said-Germany would not
rise again as a world power for a
hundred years.
Throughout the war and even
in these waning months, one voice
made sense out of it a11. That
voice announced that even though
Germany and Italy were being
devastated, they would rise again
within our lifetime to play their
roles in a powerful union of
nations in Europe.
The voice was that of a radio
broadcaster who announced spe–
cific Bible prophecies that are to
occur to specific nations a nd
peoples. He made Bible prophe–
cies "come alive" with dramatic
meaning for our time. And he
unveiled a definite and vital way
of life based on taldng the Bible
and the teachings of J esus for
what they say.
was fascinating.
And it made sense!
In that wartime winter, more
than 35 years ago, with rationing
still on, with the snow and the
sleet falling outside, 1 sat next to
our old upright radio. 1 heard this
man's voice thundering out the
truths and meaning of life. 1 real–
ized even then that 1 was hearing
from a servant of the real God
who Iives and moves and directs
the affairs of men and nations.
didn' t know his title. But 1 sensed
that he was someone special, and
that God was using him power–
The years since have substan–
t iated this understanding many
times. For the amazing biblical
prophecies that Herbert W. Arm–
strong revealed soon began to
unfold and are now being fulfilled
with astonishing detail as each
decade has marched on.
Mr. Armstrong's message is
No one e/se
has been
used of God to unveil and preach
these prophecies to the world in
the way Herbert Armstrong has.
A few ministers talk about the
"end of the world" in vague and
·ethereal terms, or a "secret rap-
ture" or make general ized state–
ments that "the end is near." But
he and he a/one- backed up by
this worldwide Work that God
has used him to establish-has
made plain the specific big events
involving Brita in , the United
S tates, Westero Europe, the M id–
die East and news of a great
re/igious wave
soon to sweep over
the Western world.
What Dld He Say?
What if you had heard for 3Y2
decades an obviously dedicated
and balanced man of God de–
scribe in detail the major trends
that soon began to happen to
nation? More, what if he stood
alone in uttering those unpopular
trends almost no one wants to
What if he had told you and
thousands of others at the very
height of national greatness 35
years ago--just as World War
was ending- that the United
States of America was going to
its national greatness during
the next generation? That the
"pride of our power" would start
to be broken? That severe
drought , fam ine and social
upheavals would beset the nation,
and that the English-speaking
nations would fina11y be taken
into national slavery unless the
people repented and truly re–
turned to the God of the Bible
and His ways?
What if this man of God told
you specifically that Britain was
going to go down
first- that
there would be
no more British
And that before too
many years Britain and America
would begin to lose the great "sea
gates" given them by Almighty
God-gates such as the Panama
Canal, the Suez Canal, Singapore
and the Malacca Straits, Gibral–
tar, the Cape of Good Hope at the
southern tip of Africa, etc. Now,
30 years later, all of those above–
named sea gates except Gibraltar
have been or are being handed
over to other nations-plus the
Bab-ei-Mandeb at the southern
entrance to the Red Sea!
Herbert W . Arms trong and
this Work have for many years
understood a nd described t he
breakdown of the American cur–
rency of which the skyrocketing
prices of oil and gold have been
symptomatic. He has for many
years described the type of " trade
war" between the United States,
Europe and J apan, which is now
in its developing stages, and the
loss of confidence and of the will
to win, which has overtaken our
Precisely contrary to most so–
called students of prophecy, Mr.
Armstrong has consistently stated
that it is not the Soviet Union or
China that God will use to chas–
tise and conquer our peoples! And
it is not the Arab nations either.
"Well , who is it, then?" you
might ask. And, "How is it that
only Herbert W. Armstrong and
t his worldwide Work under–
stand ? Who gives you the right to
be right?"
Good questions.
And there are genuine answers
to these ques tions that shed a
great deal of light on where you
(wherever you live) and your
nation are headed over the next
several years!
Why Prophecy ls NOT Preached
Speaking of the unfolding of major
prophetic events, God's revealed
Word says: "Surely the Lord God
will do nothing but he revealeth
bis secret unto his servants the
prophets" (Amos 3:7). So God has
promised to reveal an understand–
ing of major prophetic events to
His true servants-wherever they
are. Think about it.
Also, God commands, "Preach
the word; be instant in season, out
of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort
with all longsuffering and doc–
T imothy 4:2) . A nd we
are instructed to " take heed" to
the "sure word of prophecy"
Peter 1:19).
About one third of the entire
Bible is prophecy. As we just
read , a true minister is com–
manded to preach the Bible.
Then why do most professing
ministers utterly neglect so much
of prophecy? Why, seemingly,
don't they have any idea about
the vital purpose being worked
out among men and nations here
on earth?