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ified- and the GOVERNMENTOF GoD
not being administered over the
earth. earthwide.
When God created the first hu–
man, Adam, He thoroughly in–
structed this man and Eve, his wife.
He instructed them in the law and
government of God, in the rebellion
and sin of the angels. In the Garden
of Eden were two symbolic trees.
One, the tree of life, symbolized the
Holy Spirit of God-the way of life
of God and His Jaw-the gift of
eterna! life. Adam and Eve were
created with only mortal, temporary
physical life. The other tree, the tree
of the knowledge of good and evil,
symboli zed the taking to them–
selves- IF they disobeyed God in so
doing- the knowledge of what is
good and what is evil , rejecting the
gift of eterna! life.
When Adam and Eve chose the
forbidden fruit, rejecting God and
His government, God drove them out
of the garden, and barred the way of
entrance, lest humans rejecting
. God's sovereignty over them go back,
take of the tree of life, and receive
eterna! life IN SIN. This would have
brought on all such an eterna! life in
the indescribable misery and torment
of unhappiness, despair in resent–
ment and bitterness, and pain of
mental frustration.
God is a God of LOVE--outgoing
concern for the GOOD OF MANKIND,
created in His image, with the poten–
tia! of being BORN into the very GoD
God could not allow any such
indescribable eternity of anguish and
mental torment to come to the
humanity He had created.
Therefore He BARRED entrance to
the tree of LIFE-to an immortality in
the supreme torment of .eterna!
anguish and frustration. That is, God
put an impassible WALL between
Himself and all humanity- EXCEPT
those infinitesimally few He would
specially call to Him- for 6,000
years! Afterward- after Satan is
conquered by Christ and those called
to be H1s, and Satan is imprisoned
forever, every human who ever lived
will be called, mostly in a special
postmi llennial resurrection, and of–
fered repentance, forgiveness of sin,
and the gift of ETERNAL LI FE!
How WONDERFUL are the ways of
Almighty God!
So God had said to Adam, in
elfect : "You have made the decision
for yourself and the whole world that
shall spring from you. Therefore, go,
and devise your own ideas of govern–
ment, your own religions, form your
own gods, produce your own store of
knowledge and its dissemination,
during the next 6,000 years."
Mankind was CUT off from God,
except those predestined to be spe–
cially called by God.
Jesus said plainly: "No man CAN
cometo me, except the Father which
sent me draw him" (John
Others who
they are "saved in
Christ," accept Him IN VAJN- in a
FALSE RELIGION promulgated by
Satan! Jesus a lso said plainly:
" .. . IN VAIN do they WORSHIP me,
teaching for doctrines the corrimand–
ments of men. For laying aside the
We have rebelled against
the authority of God over
us, worshiping the fa/se
gods of science,
evolution, and greed.
commandment of God, ye hold the
tradition of men" (Mark
Now Prophesied for the U.S.A.
The United States and the British
peoples did inherit the NATIONAL a nd
MATERIAL promises of the Birthright
promised unconditionally to Abra–
ham. Therefore God has FULFJLLED
His unconditional promise of the
Birthright to Abraham.
Once fulfilled , in the British and
Americans, retention of it by us became
CONDITJONAL on our performance.
this vast wealth, economíc prosperi–
ty, and world power?
We have made physical SCIENCE
the new Messiah--our false God–
which boasted we no longer needed to
wear the swaddling clothes of super–
stition, or lean on the crutch of
religion . SctENCE promised to deliver
us from all our troubles! But it failed
utterly, and only produced the weap–
ons of mass destruction that can now
erase all humanity from the earth.
Our educat ional systems wor–
shiped at the shrine of the false god
of EVOLUTION, making it the founda–
tional approach and basic CONCEPT
upon which all KNOWLEDGEis based!
Evolution is the atheist's attempted
explanation for the presence of a
Our governments have been cor–
rupt. Our business, industrial, eco–
nomic and commercial systems have
been shot through with deception,
dishonesty, selfishness.
We have adopted the WAY OF LIFE
of Satan- utter sel fishness, lust and
greed, envy and jealousy·, competi–
tion in every walk of life- business,
politics, sports, society-Jeading to
violence and destruction! We have
rebelled against the authority of GOD
over us, worshiping the false gods of
science, evolution, and greed. We
have gone the WAY of SATAN! And
Satan is the god of this world (JI
4:4) .
And now, FOR OUROWN GOOD, an
all-wise and all -loving God is about
to PUNISH our nations, in order final–
ly to bring us to HJM!
will use just one prophecy here.
In Leviticus
God said of OUR
will break
the pride of your power."
God has given the U.S. more
national POWER than any nation ever
had! But since Korea we have been
afraid to use it! Small nations l:ke
North Korea, Cuba and Panama
thumb their noses at us, and we run .
A gang of students in lran break into
the U.S. Embassy, hold our U.S.
stalf as hostages, and we
ING but protest.
won't take more space here. This
wholestoryts given in great my
forthcoming book,
The United States
and Britain in Prophecy.
lt will
available in bookstores in March.
But alrcady the noose is around
our necks, and is almost daily tight–
ening! Skyrocketing inflation, deval–
uation of the dollar in all foreign
markets, other economic ills are
starting GREATLY to reduce our stan–
dard of living!
warn you, PR EPARE
greatly to reduce your standard of
living! Even GREATER punishments
are to foll ow! o