The Church has the trust of leaders, who,
because of deep chasms separating them, do not trust one another. We are clase
friends with King Hussein ot Jordan and yet
have maintained equally strong ties of friendship with Israel.
Takieddine Solh, told Mr. Armstrong in
1973, " People like you are like stars
guiding navigators who are seeking the
paths of true lite and humanity."
And that year , too, Dr. Kharni Singh,
maharaja of Bikaner and a member of
the lndian Parliament, wrote: "Mr. Arm–
strong . . . is devoted lo lhe cause of
eradicating poverty and of bringing
internalional peace. In this endeavor of
his il is lhe duty of every citizen of lhe
world lo give him all the supporl he
deserves.' '
The Church has lhe trust of leaders,
who, because of deep chasms separat–
ing lhem, do not trusl one anolher. We
are close friends with King Hussein of
Jordan and yet have maintained equally
strong ties of friendship with Israel. Al
one time, during a four-year period, Mr.
Armstrong and
made about 50 trips to
Israel, meeting with Prime Ministers
Golda Meir, Yitzhak Rabin and Mena–
chem Begin, and with Moshe Dyan,
Defense Minister Shimon Peres and
dozens of cabinet members, legislators,
military men and leaders of industry and
We met wilh Egyplian Presiden!
Anwar Sadal in Alexandria in the sum–
mer of 1974, years before the Camp
David accord, when he knew lhat we
would fly directly from Cairo lo Jerusa–
lem. As Presiden! Sadat's special
guests, we were the only non-Arabs
present while he spoke to members of
his cabinet and other distinguished rep–
resentatives of the Egyptian govern–
ment and society.
In the lndian subcontinent, we were
received by Presiden! V.V. Giri and
Prime Minister lndira Gandhi. We talked
with Presiden! Suharto of Indonesia,
with Presiden! Jomo Kenyatta , the
father of independent Kenya, with Pres–
iden! William Tolbert of Liberia , with the
prime ministers of Mexico, Guatemala,
Costa Rica, Panama, Argentina and
Peru. In Japan, we have met with former
Prime Minister Sato and every one of his
successors: Tanaka, Takeo Miki, Ta–
keo Fukada and Masayoshi Ohira. The
lisl is almost literally endless because
the journeys to proclaim the message of
God must go on.
The " Secret" Everyone Knows
What seemed mosl upselling to lh(;
Cali fornia attorney general in the lawsuit
against the Church was the cost of
these travels.
11 could hardly be contended that they
were secret journeys: we did not silently
slip away under cover of darkness, nor
did we wander incognito through world
capilals. On !he contrary, each trip was
reported back l o Church members in
our tour publicalions:
The Plain Truth;
The Worldwide News,
a newspaper
published biweekly and distributed free
lo members;
The Good News,
Church magazine; and
The Pastor Gen–
eraf's Report,
sen! weekly lo all paslors
and ministers. Complete details, pro–
fusely illustrated with photographs, are
continually made available. Members
are kept up lo date on all lhe details of
itineraries, events, speeches, meetings,
gifls, even hotel accommodalions and
extra expenses of film and video cover–
age. A secret? In lhe mid-1 970s we
proudly publ ished an oversize, 32-page
brochure wilh full-color illustrations; ils
purpose was lo inform everyone where
we went and whom we saw.
The Worldwide News
publishes a
special supplemenl called ' 'Forum wilh
Slanley R. Rader, " which discusses wilh
COIT)plele candor all aspects of lhe
Church. Jusi about everything is asked
in these question-and-answer sessions
from the slale of Herberl Armslrong's
heallh lo lhe slale of our finances, and
snd Herbert W. Armstrong, left, meet wlth Jordan's King Hussein in June, 1974. Right, Abdulsh Ss/ah,
Jordan's ambsssador to the United States, greets Mr. Armstrong and Mr. Rader as they arrive in Amman, Jordan.
December 1980