Personal from...
A staggering turn in world events is due to erupt in the next few years.
T WILL INYOLVE violently the United States,
Britain , Western Europe, and the Middle East.
It 's already rather late for the Free World to
come awake to the real meaning behind current
world events!
World leaders do not see clearly what is coming.
WHY? Why are the best minds not seeing- leaders
in the United States, heads of state around tbe
world-scientists, educators, editors, news
analysts-bankers, industriaJists, leaders in business
and commerce? WHY?
Tliey are at'J' (
They have been falsely educated in a system wbere
the most important dimension in knowledge is
unknown and untaught. They have been deceived
into closing their minds to the basic CAUSES of
present events and trends.
The world has been falsely educated to ignore
CAUSES and deaJ witb EFFECTS! There had to be a
CAUSE of present and coming EFFECTS. There is a
CAUSE that has produced strife, violence and war–
poverty, wretchedness, human suffering-crime,
widespread immorality, the decadence in the basic
foundation of any healthy and stable society, tbe
FAMILY UNJT! But tbe leaders do not know, and
certainly do not correct the CAUSES!
World Exp loslon to Erupt!
There has been a fatal missing dimension in the
dissemination of knowledge. Leaders do not know
or tbe purpose and meaning of life!
They were not taugbt to distinguish the true values
from the false. They did not learn the real CAUSES
of troubles, nor THE
AY to peace, happi ness,
abundant well-being for all.
They know nothing of the overall PURPOSE being
worked out here below! Consequently they guide
humanity in a course in conflict with that purpose!
Lacking knowledge of THE
AY to peace, we have
no peace. Leaders talk of peace, they profess to
work for peace, they fight for peace, while they
Oecember 1980
give approval and blind acceptance of THE
that produces WARS!
This world is giving civi lization's acceptance to
THE WAYS that are the CAUSES of all the world's
And now we are approaching the final grand
smash explosion.
will stagger the mind of man
beyond the bounds of sanity! Forces are at work
today on plans, conspiracies tbat soon will erupt
into a violence and chaos sucb as never occurred
before and never shall again! Men now are
nature the)' .lu-k
t .lJe
prudence, knowledge, abílity and wisdom to
In this folly of educated ignorance it has become
fashionable and intellectually titillating to ignore
the basic Mind and Power over all - the PURPOSE
being worked out here below, and the master plan
for its working out-the invisible but Supreme
Power now soon to intervene and END the
impending world chaos.
will be done
before mankind blasts itself out of existence!
Unreal though it may seem to those steeped in
today's educational deceptions, sorne 2,500 years
ago the Supreme Power of tbe universe inspired a
man narned Isaiah to quote Him, saying,
" J
God, and there is none líke me, declaring the end
frorn the beginning ... sayíng, ' My counsel shall
stand.' "
The great world powers are formu lating their
plans and policies. But tbe next few years will see
astounding events explode in a manner very
different than they plan.
WHv? Because there does exist the great God
who says: "The Eterna] wrecks the purposes of
pagans, he brings to nothing what the nations plan;
but the Eternal's PURPOSE stands for ever, and
what He plans will last from age to age.... The
Eterna! looks from heaven, beholding all mankind;
from where He síts, He scans all who inhabit the
world; He who alone made
(Continued on page 45)