Creature of Habit?
You wi/1 be surprised at how much of what you do, think and
feel is a matter of habit.
Donald D. Schroeder
formed. Precisely what
its we could
happens in the human
not fu nc-
mind and body is even
tion-or perhaps even
now beyond the mind
survivc. That's the
of man to fuiJy under-
good side of habits.
Habits allow us to
Learning patterns, at
perform an astronomi-
first, go into the brain's
cal number of actions
short-term memory
without significant
system. As they be-
conscious thought, ef-
come more established
fort or undue atten -
they move over into the
tion-Jikc tying our
brain's long- term stor-
shoes , buttoning a
age center. T his much
shirt, riding a bike,
is perceived by those
walking, running, typ-
scientists who have
ing, remembering a
studied the subject of
telephone number,
even responding to
T hen the brain activ-
ity at which humans
excel- memory- goes
What a Habit ls
to work so that a spe-
A habit is a Iearned
cific message or stimul i
pattern of acting, or
triggers an automatic
thinking or feeling.
_ _._....___...___
:;...o...__..._...______.....___;.____...._, ;::
response, thought or
- is not a pattern we were born
" Habits are at first cobwebs,
feeling. We caiJ a Iesson that the
with, as many Jower creature
then cables," says a Spanish prov-
brain's cells have learned well
responses are.
enough to accomplish automati-
Don't confuse these Jearned
A habit starts to form when we
caiiy, without thought, a habit.
patterns with inborn or "wired-
respond to something-physi-
Good habits and bad habits are
in" involuntary responses such as
caJiy, mentally or emotionaiiy-
formed essentially the same way.
digesting, breathing, sweating or
severa! times. How many re-
Therefore it is criticaiiy impor-
s hiver ing at cold. Developing
sponses are required to start a
tant for parents to see that chil-
habits, particu larly if they are
habit may vary from person to
dren establish good habits partic-
good habits, aJiows us to conserve
person or with different kinds of
ularly in early years of Iife. Hab-
higher mental processes. for more
its are difficult to unlearn. The
demanding tasks and chaiienges.
But as we respond, a pattern
.brain apparently never totally
By contrast, wrong habits waste
starts to occur, neural circu its and
"forgets" bad habits, although
human energy and limit human
pathways in the marvelous human
they may drop out of dominance
growth and development.
brain and nervous system are
in one's life through Jack of use,
October/ November 1980