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OLD JERUSALEM- New capital for state of Israel, or should it be an international city?
What prophecy says will now happen!
is as fraught with
explosive international tension as the Old
City of Jerusalem. It is now a powderkeg,
which could be loaded with nuclear
l t is the religious shrine of three majar religions.
It is the city that Goo chose, and therefore that is
emotionally and violently a center of contention
between religions and nations of this world.
Prime Minister Menachem Begi n is rapidly
prepar ing to move his government administration
seat from the newer Jewish city to the west over to
Mount Scopus in Old J erusalem. This is for the
moment threatening complete breakdown of the
Camp David agreement between President Anwar
Sadat of Egypt, Prime Minister Begin and
President Carter. Mr. Sadat is furious.
The Arab world wants the Old City of Jerusalem
back into Arab control. Sorne nations contend
Jerusalem should be made an international city.
But the State of Israel has control, having wrested
it from Jordan in the war of 1967.
What has been happening in Jerusalem since the
Israelí take-over in that war?
1 have been somewhat personally involved in
events there since that war.
lmmediately after the death ofmy wife of 50 years,
April 1
1967, 1 flew to Jerusalem. 1had two urgent
reasons. 1had seriously wanted to buy time on Radio
Jerusalem, then owned and operated by the S tate of
Jordan. Also I wanted to get away from Pasadena
immediately into a totally different environment to ease
the grief of losing the companionship of my beloved wife
and partner in God's Work.
l wanted not only to go on J erusalem Radio, I
wanted to manipulate the increase of its power to
one million watts to give coverage over the entire
Middle East. At Amman, Jordan, and in
Jerusalem, in conference with the Jordanian
government and its radio management, 1 arranged
for a price for a choice time on an extended
November 1980
contract whereby our monthly payments for that
time would finance the Jordan government in the
purchase of German T elefunken equipment to
boost the station power to this maximum wattage.
1t was one of the largest contracts for purchase of
radio time ever signed.
On Sunday morning, June 4, 1967, 1 left my
home on our campus in England for London ai rport
to ft y to Amman to broadcast in person that
evening, the first broadcas t on this new contract.
En route to the airport we heard on the car radio
the sensational news that the Six Day War had
started early that morning. No planes were allowed
to get through to Beirut or to Amman. My
broadcast on Jerusalem Radio never got started. By
the following Friday, J une· 9, the Old City of
Jerusalem was in Israeli hands.
But I had made a personal favorable contact with
a foreign government, King Hussein's Jordan. God
had started opening doors for me to carry Christ's
Message to many heads of state and into their
In the summer of 1968 1 had been invited to
visit King Leopold I II of Belgium. He had been
shown by a friend a copy of the Ambassador
College 1968 yearbook, the
The king got
word to me he would like to meet me.
Also in the late summer of 1968 the Israel
Archaeological Society had invited Ambassador
College to come into joint participation in their
largest and major-sized excavation southwest of the
Temple Mount. In October 1 ftew to Jerusalem to
inspect the archaeological project and decide on
participation. 1 had conferences with principal meo
of the Archaeological Society, the Hebrew
University and the government. We had a luncheon
in a private room in the Knesset, Israel's capital
building. 1 told them Mr. Stanley R. Rader, who
accompanied me, and J would return on December
1 with a final decision.
We ftew on to Tokyo, and there 1 was invited to