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(Continued from page 26)
unborn children. The tragedy is
that it was unnecessary.
lf you read
realize that the reasoning behind it
was both scient ifically and legally
was scientifically wrong
because it relied on scientific theo–
ries that are now outdated! As Dr.
Nathanson puts it:
"That Supreme Court decision
is anchored in medica! views that
now quite frankly, are so anach–
ronistic that we who work in
perinatology [prenatal sciencc]
would be amused by them if it
were not for the continuous
s laughter that has resulted from
their propagation."
The Court's decision is legally
wrong because for hundreds of
years the law of England and
America recognized the personal–
ity of unborn children. Unborn
children had rights both in prop–
e rt y and personal injury law.
Even today you can st ill give
property to your unborn child.
Just because the abortion laws of
the 1800s were passed primarily
for the sake of protecting the
health of the mother didn't make
their unborn children any less
human. Yet it was that fact upon
which the Court pounced to justi–
fy the slaughter of millions!
The time has come for the
Supreme Court to repent. The
Supreme Cour t
change its
does not !ay down the
"law of the Medes and Persians"
(see Daniel 6:8), which could not
be changed once handed down.
J ust as the Court once declared
that black slaves were "property"
and not human beings, and had to
repent of that , so it must repent
of sanctioning the murder of mil–
lions of unborn human beings.
But even if the Supreme Court
does not overturn
Roe v. Wade,
the time is coming when it will be
overruled, anyway! When Christ
returns, the "Supreme Court of
Heaven" will overturn
Roe v.
and all laws contrary to
God 's good and perfect Law. At
that time God will pour out H is
blessings on the whole earth.
Septernber 1980
There will be no aborlion. There
will be no
for abortion:
"And he [God] wi ll !ove thee,
and bless thee, and mulliply thee;
he will also
bless the fruit of thy
... "
( De u teronomy
7: 13).
1n the meantime, the slaughter
goes on. T he Non-Seclarian
Committee for Lifc, a New York
"prolife" organization , warns of
where abortion is taking our
"Western society has aban–
doned its God and is lost in a void
of moral anarchy. The civilization
we know is threalened by a new
Dark Age. By the turn of the
century we will be confronted
with abortions-by-demand-of-the–
State and the death-by-decree of
the s ick and elderly. The planned
birth, the planned lifespan and
lhe planned death will be upon
us. Let us resis t this barbarous
threat to man 's existence, more
dangerous than all the nuclear
(Continued from page
"thought inspiration ." T houghts
are expressed by words and God
revealed His thoughts in words.
l nspiration must therefore extend
to the very words the writer
God said He would pul
into the mouths of the prophets
(Deuteronomy 18: 18). J e remiah
said that is exactly what hap–
pened to him: "Then the Lord
reached out his hand and touched
my mouth, and said
me, 'Now,
have put my words in your
mouth'" (Jeremiah 1:9, NIY).
word in the original
writings of the Bible is inspired.
Every word is important. When
Paul wrote to the Galatians, he
b uil t up a n entire argument
around whether one word in the
Old Testament was singular or
plural (Galatians 3: 16).
The words of the Old Testa–
ment may have been said by
David, Moses or the prophets.
But when the New Testament
writers quoted them, they con–
s idered them to be what Scrip-
ture said, whal the Holy Spirit
said or what God said. I t was all
t he Word of God to them.
Spoke the Word of God
T he Church members at Thessa–
lonica didn ' t think the words of
Paul were thc mere opinions of a
man. He expressed his gratitude
for their conver ted attitude by
saying, "We also thank God
without ceasing, because when
you received the word of God
which you heard from us, you
welcomed it not as the word of
men, but as it is in truth,
word of God.
which also elfec–
tively works in you who believe"
Thessalonians 2:13). And
Pau l's instruct ions to the Corin–
thians were to be accepted as
"the commandments of the
( l
Corinthians 14:37).
The Bible in all its parts is
the written Word of God to
mankind though modern human
translators and typesetters are
not inspired and made minor
In spite of what Bible critics
or liberal theologians may claim,
the Bible is the inspired and
infallible Word of God. We
accept it as being completely
trustworthy and reliable.
is a
sure foundation for our faith .
But why, the c ritic and libera l
theologian might justly ask, do
so many who know the Bible is
infallible, not do what. the Bible
plainly commands them?
That is a very good question!
There is a good reason why
some people don't want to accept
the Bible as the inspired Word of
God and why those who do accept
it hide their eyes from its re–
vealed truth . They don't want to
obey God and live according to
what the Bible says, "For the
word of God is living and
powerful, and sharper than any
two-edged sword , piercing even
to the division of soul and spirit,
and of joints and marrow, and is a
discerner of the thoughts and
intents of the heart" (Hebrews
4 : 12) .
Are you willing not only to
believe in, but to live by every
inspired and infallible word of
God ?