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like an electric current"
p. 16).
Another doctor, William
Raschbaum , chief of Family
Planning Services at Beth Israel
Medica) Center in New York, has
stated during a D&E abortion he
has often had the fantasy that the
cbild was hanging onto the walls
of the uterus with its tiny finger–
nails-fighting to stay inside
Even though the surgeon liter–
ally carves up the unborn child in
a D&E abortion, there still comes
a point at which the child is too
big even for this grisly method.
After 20 weeks, a "saline" abor–
tion must be used.
is the most
physically painful for the mother.
The doctor injects a salt solution
into the uterus, which causes a
stillbirth. The salt solution burns
the child an ugly red. There are
records of infants who have sur–
vived saline abortions and spent
the first weeks of their life out–
side the womb in intensive care.
There is no abortion method
widely practiced today which is
not extremely cruel to the unborn
Such cruelty itself condemns
abortion. Even men who are cut
off from God, given over to "re–
probate minds," can know that
"maliciousness" and "murder"
are wrong, and come under "the
judgment of God" (Romans
The Moral Toboggan Slide
Just as the movement for abor–
tion on demand was just getting
under way in the late 1960s,
Plain Truth
Editor Herbert W.
Armstrong pegged it as some–
thing "in line with the toboggans–
Iide in morals." Events after–
wards have shown , tragically, just
how right he was.
The reasons for abortion have
been liberalized. They now in–
elude things like "economic" dif–
ficulty or "emotional" distress.
"Health" now includes almost
anything. And now that parents
are able to find out the sex of
their children befare birth, they
are killing their children when
they don't get what they want.
During the early stages of the
September 1980
"Medical journals
publish papers where
authors acknowledge
they have engineered the
deaths of babies under
their care."
Dr. Everett Koop
abortion controversy, many oppo–
nents claimed that abortion would
lead to worse horrors- infanti–
cide and the killing of all the
weak and helpless. Supporters of
abortion scorned the argument.
But it has already been proved
Do you realize infanticide- the
killing of unwanted children after
they are born- is now wide–
spread? Dr. C. Everett Koop, the
surgeon-in-chief of Children's
Hospital in Philadelphia has re–
cently exposed the "gentlemen's
agreement" that exists in certain
circles of the medica! profession
to Jet "defective" newborn infants
Dr. Koop writes that since
infanticide is still a hush-hush sub–
ject, unless "you know someone
who talks about bis work in an
intensive care unit for newborns,
there is no way the public would
know about this." Yet, Dr. Koop
says, "reputable medica! journals
publish papers where authors ac-
knowledge that they have engi–
neered the deaths of babies under
their care" ("Deception on De–
mand," by C. Everett Koop,
ay, 1980,
Increased child abuse is anoth–
er domino that has already fallen.
Liberal abortion was supposed to
decrease child abuse.
Statistics are hard to come by
because of the sensitive nature of
the tapie, but we know that in
Britain , the National Society for
the Prevention of Cruelty to Chil–
dren reports "increasing numbers
of children are sutfering appalling
(Daily Telegraph,
J une
3, 1979). In the United States,
the Associated Press reports "it
looks as if a hundred times as
many child-abuse cases may oc–
cur annually as the 60,000 esti–
mated less than a decade ago"
(April 12, 1979) .
Dr. Koop believes that asocie–
ty that kills at will its unborn
children inevitably will see its
born children as having lesser
value also.
The next target is the elderly,
and then later, all who are depen–
dent or handicapped, or · those
who, in the chilling words of the
proabortionists, "lack the capac–
ity for meaningful Iife." (Mark
that phrase "meaningful life."
Someday it may be used to justify
your killing!)
The point is, once you start
killing unborn children, dismem–
bering them, cruelly burning
them in solution, you acquire a
The attitude is
that people who are "unwanted"
ought to be done away with.
Frightening New World
Widespread abortion is making us
a society calloused, hard-hearted
and selfish. Jf there are people
around whom we do not want, the
modero idea is to just do away
with them. Jf you think this is too
extreme a statement, listen to the
frightening words of Dr. John
Franklin, head of the Philadel–
phia Obstetrical Society, who was
one of the parties in a Supreme
Court abortion case, as he was
quoted in December,· 1979, issue
Conservative Digest:
" In our society, one of the