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Worse slaughter than occurred under Hitler's rule
takin fJ place righz now.
Up to 55 million innocent lives wi/1 be snuffed out
th i ~
year! This article exp/ains what this terrible
slaughter is, and what it means.
Jeff Calkins
and tragic
prophecy from the Bible
come to pass
in our day and age:
" ... in the last days ... men shall
be lovcrs of their own selves, cove–
tous ... disobedient to parents ...
without natural affection . . . in–
contincnt, fierce ... lovers of pica–
sures more than lovers of
God ... "
Timotby 3: 1-4).
The prophecy describes char–
acter traits of modero human
bei ngs, especially in the Free
World . Perhaps nowhere do these
te rrible qualities reveal thcm–
sclves than in the subject of abor–
tion. lt is amazing how far we
have su nk in just a little more
than a decade.
This article is
about abor–
tions performed on 14-year-old
PT Photo
girls who are pregnant by incest
or rape.
is not about abortions
pcrformed on women who are
virtually certain to die unless they
September 1980
have one. These kinds of cases are
smokescreens thrown up by sup–
porters of abortion to play on our
sympathies, our humanity. T be
abortion issue today is
such tragic instances . Only
5 per–
of abortions done in the
United States, for example, are
done because of incest , rape, a
threat to the mother 's life or
because the unborn child is de–
formed. It is the other abor–
tions- the other 95 percent–
done largely for
reveal j ust how low our society
has sunk.
Revealed Knowledge
Man could have known the .1th
about abortion by looking
God's Word. The Bible's teacl1ing
is clear. Indeed, the very fact '1at
men do not know the truth about
abortion shows just how lacking
in our society is the precious
knowledge of God 's glorious
Master Plan for human develop–
The human begettal, embryo–
fetus development and birth com–
pares exactly to the potential
begettal, g rowth, development
and final birth of man as a spirit
being in God's Kingdom. God
docs not kili His unborn spiritual
children, and if human beings
understood God 's plan they
would know that they should not
kili their unborn physical chil–
But man has rejected God as a
source of revealed knowledge.
Man has gone off to seek his own
knowledge, create his own reli–
gious and political systems, create
his own ethics. As one doctor who
runs an abortion mili in downtown
Washington, D.C. , put it, when
asked how he justified his gr isly
"Man is the measure of all
things! We give the value! Anthro–
pos! Man! gives the value."
But even without the revealed
Word of God men can know that
abortion is wrong! This is why the
40 to 50 million abortions done
every year reveal so much about
how far man has sunk. Human
beings know better! God shows in
His Word that men are responsi–
ble for certain kinds of right
conduct even if they do
God's Holy Law revealed to them
by way of the Bible:
"For when the Gentiles, which
have not the Jaw, do
by nature
things contained in the law, these,
having not the law are a law unto
themselves: which show the work
of the law written in their hearts,
conscience also bearing wit–
and their thoughts the mean–
while accusing or else excusing
·J!le another" (Romans 2: 14-15).
Men can know that abortion is
wrong because they know that
nurder is wrong, regardless of
whether they believe the Bible.
Listen to this revealing admission
from an editorial in the
a liberal magazine that
supports abortion:
"Would 'a woman's r ight to