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Is It
The Bible's accuracy is the center of a new controversia! battle.
Robert C. Boraker
is now raging among religious cir–
c les, especially in the United States.
is a
battle about the Bible. To the evangelical
or fundamentalist, it is
The Battle for the Bible.
That is tbe title of the book by Harold Lindsell,
former editor of
Christianity Today.
T he battle centers around the question of wheth–
er or not
the Bible is inspired of God and
infallible in all parts. Is the Bible errant or
inerrant? In other words, does it contain errors or is
it infallibly free from errors and mistakes-even in
areas concerning science and history?
Harold Lindsell wrote in bis book, "Biblical
inerrancy is the most important theological topic of
tbis age." The Bible,
course, purports to be the
source of true spi r itual or divine knowledge. Its
critics say it is untrustworthy.
Could you explain which view is right- and
Recent Events
Between 1900 and 1930, a trend toward doctrinal
liberalism gained the day. Now there are not only
individual theologians, but seminaries and entire
denominations that claim the Bible contains sorne
spiritual truth along with sorne error. T hey no
longer consider the Bible to be completely trust–
worthy, especially in the fields of science and
history. Evangelicals challenge this modern claim.
They say that once anyone assumes error in sorne
part of the Bible, they soon reject basic doctr ine.
Such people, they claim, begin to question certain
areas of the Bible they don't like. For example,
Paul's teaching about women submitting to their
Corinthians 11:3 and Ephesians 5:22-
33). l t is considered to be Paul's
about tbe
matter and thus open for question and rejection.
Or clergymen who accept homosexuality or
think women can be ordained when Paul plainly
taught tbat such practices were wrong (I Corin–
thians 6:10 and 14:34-35). T his t rend, say evangel–
icals, arises from the assumption tbat the writings
of the apostle are the opinions of aman rather than
tbe inspired Word of God.
of the Bible the inspired Word of God? Is
it a re)iable foundation for a way of life? Are
evangelicals who claim the Bible is infall ible any
more sound doctrinally than liberals who claim the
Bible is fallible? Tbese are the basic questions we
need to examine.
Jesus Trusted the Scriptures?
First of all, what did the Founder of Christian–
ity- Jesus Christ- believe and say about the
Scriptures? Would modern liberals agree with
Jesus? Talking about the twofold division of the
Old Testament Scriptures, He said, "Do not think
that I have come to abolisb the Law or the
Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to
fulfill them. I tell you the truth, until heaven and
earth disappear, not the smaJlest letter, not the
least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear
from the Law until everything is accomplished"
(Matthew 5:17,18,
New International Version).
J esus taught the will and word and Jaw of God
as expressed in the Old Testament as being
force and relevant to His followers. He said the
Old Testament Scriptures were eterna!. " I t is
easier for heaven and earth to disappear than for
the least stroke of a pen to drop out of the Law"
(L uke 16:17, N IV). Yet right here we have the
astounding paradox. Evangelicals who claim the
Bible is infallible and modern liberal theologians
who insist it is not, both disagree with Jesus.
Neither group keeps: tbe law of God!
Sorne altogether reject the Old Testament as a
rule of faitb and practice. Others accept only the
epistles Paul wrote while he was. in prison . But
J esus Christ trusted and obeyed the Old Testa–
ment Scriptures. He constantly referred to them.
He treated the Old Testament bistorical accounts
as being factual and truthful. In the mind of Christ
there was no room for doubt or the labels of myth
and 1egend.
Cbrist reminded His audiences that the Scrip–
t ures which tbey searcbed to find eterna) life
testified of tbe coming of the Messiah (J ohn 5:39).
Like many people today, J esus' bearers t rusted the
words of Moses, but didn't really believe all he
wrote. "For if you believed Moses, you would
believe Me; for he wrote about Me. But if you do
not believe bis writings, how will you believe My
words? " Christ warned (John 5:46-47,
New King
James Bib/e).
Christ and the Old Testament stand