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way, and choose Goo's WAY of
His Law-the way of LOVE
His Maker talked first to
Adam and Eve- instructed them
thoroughly in the GOVERNMENT
and spiritual LAw of God-even
though in Genesis 2 only the most
condensed summary of God's
instruction to them is revealed.
Satan was restrained from any
contact with them until God first
had completely taught them.
In the gloriously beautiful Gar–
den of Eden, into which God
placed them, were two symbolic
trees. One was the "Tree of
Life." Taking its fruit, freely
offered, symbolized obedience
and faithfulness to God's Law of
out-going LOVE, and receiving the
gift of God's Holy Spirit .
The other was the tree of "the
knowledge of good and evil."
Taki'ng of its fruit was taking
the knowledge of
what is good, and what is evil–
deciding for themselves what is
right and what is sin. This of
course, meant rejection of Goo's
which defined
for them
rigbt and the wrong.
The glorious archangel Luci–
fer, as God originally created
him, was the pinnacle of God's
creative power in a single being.
Few today remotely realize the
great power, now turned to cun–
ning deception, possessed by Sa–
tan. Apparently Adam complete–
ly underestimated him.
The wily Satan got to Adam
through his wife Eve. He did not
say, "cHOOSE MY w Ay!" He
appeared as a subtile serpent. He
cleverly deceived her.
He put DOUBTS in her mind
about God's veracity. He de–
ceived her into believing God had
been unfair-selfish. He subtiley
injected vanity of mind. He mis–
led her into thinking it was
to take of the forbidden fruit.
Adam, not deceived, neverthe–
less went along with bis wife.
With her, he took to himself the
determination of what is right
and what is wrong-thus DISBE–
LIEVING what bis Maker had said,
REJECTING God as Savior and
Ruler-rejecting God as the
Source of revealed BASIC KNOWL-
EDGE. He believed and followed
Satan's WAY!
When God "drove out the
man" from the Garden of Eden,
and barred reentrance-/est he
go back and receive eterna) life
(Genesis 3:22-24)-God PRO–
God said, in effect, "You have
made the decision for yourself
and the world that shall spring
from ·you. You have rejected me
as the basic source of knowl–
edge-you have rebelled against
my command and my govern–
ment- you have chosen the
"GETTING," "TAKING" way of
Satan. Therefore 1 sentence you
and the world you shall beget to
6,000 years of being
cut off
access to me and my Spirit–
except for the exceedingly FEW I
shall specially cal!. And that FEW
shall be called for special service
preparatory for the Kingdom of
God. They shall be required todo
what you have failed to do–
reject, resist and overcome Satan
and his
AYS, and follow the
ways of my spiritual LA
"Go therefore, Adam, and all
your progeny whicb shall form
the world, produce your own fund
of knowledge. Decide for yourself
what is good and what is evil.
Produce your own educational
systems and means of disseminat–
ing knowledge, as your god Satan
shall mislead you. 'Form your own
concepts of what is ·god, your own
religions, your own governments,
your own life-styles and forms of
society and civilization. In all this
Satan will deceive your world
with his attitude of SELF-cen–
teredness- wjth vanity, lust and
greed, jealousy and envy, compe–
tition and strife and violence and
wars, rebellion against me and my
Law of LOVE.
"After the world of your de–
scendants has written the lesson
in 6,000 years of human suffer–
ing, anguish, frustration, defeat
and death, I will supernaturally
intervene. By supernatural divine
power l shall then take over the
government of the whole world.
With reeducation, 1 will produce
a happy world of PEACE. And on
repentance, 1 shall . then offer
eterna! salvation to all. After a
thousand years of that happy
world to come, I will resurrect
from deatb to mortal life all who
have died uncalled during this
6,000 years. Their judgment shall
then come. And on repentance
and faitb, eterna! life shall be
offered them.
"During this 6,000 years, when
1 myself shall cut them off from
me, they shall not be eternally
judged. Only, as they sow during
their life-times, tbey shall reap.
l open eterna! salvation
to them, there shall be no Satan to
hinder or deceive them- no Satan
for them to overcome. Those few
called during this first 6,000 years
shall have to reject and resist
Satan's pulls and overcome. But
those who overcome shall sit with
me in my throne, and have power
under me to rule all nations under
my Supreme Rule."
The most universal false teach–
ing, believed by virtually all
churches caBed Christianity, ex–
cept the one and only true and
original Church of God, is that
ALL are automatically
"lost" un–
less they profess
Jesus Christ as
Savior- and that now is the
day of "salvation."
Those cut off from God are
Few UNDERSTAND this basic
Master Plan of God. Tbe reader
cannot possibly be more surprised
at the truth revealed in this vol–
ume than was the author, more
tban 50 years ago. The WHOLE
WORLD has been deceived, as
God's Word foretold! One de–
ceived is not aware of the decep–
tion! Don't underestimate Satan!
One, reviewing tbe multiplied
evi ls in the world today, might
think MAN has cut himself off
from God. But it is Goo who cut
off mankind from Him. And
Does that seem to make God
appear unfair? Quite the oppo–
Consider! When God drove
Adam and Eve out from the Gar–
den of Eden, He set angels to bar
mankind from reentering. Sup–
pose God had left the gate into
Eden open. What would have
happened? Probably the whole of
manki nd would have surged back