What Our Readers Say
East er
And so what if we celebratc our
day hiding eggs for o ur children
which the Easter Bunny left . Didn' t
your parents ever tell you fairy tales?
We don ' t worship the Eas ter Bun–
ny- no one does- wc just have a
little fun with it. 1 was brought up
thi s way.
Judith Gilmorc
T ruckec, California
Recent ly, a nationally known radio
minister printed the following com–
ments in hi s nationall y circulated
"Armstrong Praises 'Marx i s r
' 'The May,
Plain Truth–
praiscs Robert Mugabe, who jus t
took over Rhodesia. Mugabe 's guer–
rillas murdered and horribly muti–
lated tens of thousands in last
years. Rader tells his followcr s
' Marxist' is good!"
What is your response to that ?
G.R .
Atwater, California
choice"- that of European self–
defense. He writes in the same
publication, "Today Europe itself
must take charge of its foreign
security and defense, and it must be
ready to undertake the necessary
long term burdeos and sacrifices."
Spiri tual Leadership Nee de d
Europe clearly is faci ng an histor–
ie c rossroads . M r. Strauss, if
elcctcd, might be able to providc
political d irection to a contincnt
ad rift. But more is needed.
Western Europe is not only in
an exposed state militarily. lts
unprecedented mater ial advanccs
o f thc past two dccades are clea r–
ly in jcopardy as well.
Thc energetic Pope John Paul
Our response is. "ir 's jusr nor rrue."
We certainly did NOT say "Marxist
is good." No reader of
The Plain
could possibly believe rhar aft–
er we've published so many articles,
saying. in ejfect. "Marxist is bad"
along with the other isms of rhis
wor/d. Jfthe "narionally known radio
preacher" in quesrion wi/1 go back
and actual/y read rhe arricles in the
M ay (U. S .) issue on Zimbabwe. he'//
discover our praise was for Britain 's
success, nor for one particular candi–
dare. and for the creation of a possi–
biliry of peace wirh a NON-Soviet–
dominated governmenr .
Refugees in Thalland
1 have finishcd rcading the "Open
Letter' ' from Mr . Thurston Leon
Sexton, in thc May, 1980, issue of
The Plain Truth .
1 found it to be a
thought-provoking article.
was reading thc article 1
became more and more convinced
that this is only a prelude to the
coming days on this earth before the
arrival of Jesus Christ to rule this
IJ- the most widely traveled pon–
t iff in history- has been trying to
reawaken Europe to its premater–
ialistic heritage.
On March 2 1, 1980, the pope
extolled the idea of a unified
Eu rope in a ceremony marking
the 1,500th anniversary of S
Benedict. According to a news
dispatch from Vatican City ,
"Pope John Paul 11 held up the
efforts of St. Benedict to create a
Christian unity in thc Old World
as a model for a ncw unified
The "spiritual unity" of Europc
is a theme the ncw pope has
returned to frequently, most dy–
namically of all in his native Poland
las t year. "Christianity must com-
world . The readcrs should be giving
this article sorne very serious thought
and then begin to very carcfully
watch the cvents happening all over
the world concerning famine . Not
only in A frica and Southeas t Asia but
right herc in the United States. Right
now according to the news reports
therc is drought in the uppcr Mid–
west that could cause a severe short–
age of grain crops this faJI.
can remember the dust storms of
the early '30s as the wi nds blcw the dust
north. The sun looked like a red ball in
the heavens, and the dust sett lcd to
carth as it passed overhead.
Roy M. Manley
Bonanza. Orcgon
Gift Subscription
We like the idea of the ' 'gift sub–
scription" card in the June-Jul y
Plain Tru rh!
ln a couple of ins tances
the contin uation page referenccs
were incorrect.
suppose you havc
caught the mistakes. As a whole. the
magazine is SUPER!
Ron Reedy
Marina, California
mi t itself anew to the format ion of
the spiritual unity of Europe" he
said , "Economic and political rea–
sons alone cannot do it."
T he rather cool recept ion a
largely secularized French public
accorded J ohn Paul 11 on his visit
to France in May shows that his
picas for thc ' 'spiritual unity" of
Europe havc not struck homc.
But as Europe's cconomy sou rs
furthcr, as t he t hreat to it s
Mideast oil lifcline grows, as thc
statc of Amcrica's "nuclear um–
brclla" for Europe is seen for
what it really is and as Russia's
lcvcrage intensifies- watch for
thl.! warnings of M
Strauss and
the appeals of Pope John Paul 11
to reach more responsive cars. o