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cloaking the city in thick dark–
ness. The mushroom cloud as–
cended to 40,000 feet and blotted
out the sun. Radioactive fallout
from the cloud brought death and
lingering sickness to those who
had survived the flash, the blast
and the firestorm.
Why lt
Can Happen Again
A memorial museum was built in
Hiroshima to teach the rest of the
world about the horrors of nu–
clear weapons. Man does not
seem to have learned much from
the legacy of Hiroshima.
Nations continue to prepare
for war in the name of maintain–
ing peace. Doomsday planners
(defensive and offensive strate–
gists) continue their search for
ever more devastating weapons.
There is no end to the arms race.
Today's vast stockpile of weapons
are a hundred or a thousand
times more powerful than tbe
atomic bombs which ended
World War H.
In less than five years, 40
nations will have acquired the
ability to manufacture their own
nuclear weapons. There may be
other faster ways to obtain tbese
weapons-by buying them or by
stealing them.
is a terrifying
Many experts predict that nu–
clear war not only will happen,
but will happen sooner than we
think. "As the
begins its
35th year, we feel impelled to
record and to emphasjze the
accelerating drift toward world
disaster in almost all realms of
social activity. Accordingly, we
have decided to move the hands
of the
Bulletin ~s
clock- s)'mbol
of the world's approach to a
nuclear doomsday-forward
from 9 to 7 minutes before mid–
(Th.e Bulletin oj the
Atomic Scientists,
January ,
Unless there is a turnaround,
man's time on this planet is short.
This is the same prediction made
more than 1,900 years ago by the
greatest newscaster of all time,
Jesus Christ!
In the book of Matthew, chap-
August f980
ter 24, verse 3, Jesus' disciples
carne lo Him and asked this ques–
tion: " ... When will this hap–
pen? And what will be the
for your coming and tbe end of
the age?" (The New English
Jesus then proceeded to outline
the news for them. He predicted
that war, violence and trouble of
every kind will increase, and then
suddenly, the world will be
plunged into the crisis at the
close of this age (verse 21).
Daniel describes the world sit–
uation as "a time of trouble, such
as never was since there was a
nation" (Daniel 12:1 ). Matthe,w's
account says there was never a
time of trouble so great since the
beginning of the world.
Let us face it. For the first
time in the history of the world,
man is capable of
layzng waste
entire cities at once
(Ezekiel 6:6).
And dreadful as it is- it is also
possible to exterminate every liv–
ing, breathing thing from the
face of the earth.
The End Time!
Our generation is living in the
last days of human civilization.
We are fast approaching the clí–
max at the
ose of man's day on
this earth. The atom bombs that
exploded over Hiroshima and
then Nagasaki 35 years ago cata–
pulted us into the Nuclear Age.
More than that, they
that mankind had entered the
bíblica! "time of the end."
God revealed to Daniel key
prophecies of the end time. Dan–
iel must have been extremely
eager to understand them and to
know the final outcome. But God
firmly said, " ... Go thy way
Daniel: for the words are closed
up and sealed
the time of the
(Daniel 12:9). For empha–
sis, this answer was repeated
three times in the same chapter.
In the end time everything
would come together in a grand
scenario of events. Those living in
the last days could know that the
end was near. Daniel and others
living before that time could not.
God did not choose to give them
fuJl understanding that far in
But, amid all this grim news,
there is still good news! There is a
way to rise above the present
gloom and face the future with
confidence. This is a stimulating
and exciting time for those who
grasp the full significance of the
age in which we live.
is the
special privilege of this genera–
tion to hear the Good News–
..gospel" means "good news"-of
the way to peace. Though most
will not heed,
can understand
world news, know the future a:nd
see the conclusion of human his–
tory-the "restitution of all
things" by Jesus Christ.
We gather for you the bidden
meaning behind the real world in
which you live. We watch world
trends. We use the Bible to bring
you understanding of the news
behind the news. Why? So you
will be warned-and it is hoped
come to see what is about to
occur and believe
You must
believe it before you will act!
That's the nature of human
beings. Throughout history, hu–
man beings have had a tendency
to turn away from the unpleasant
and refuse to act on what they
suspect or feel deep down to be
true. (This is one reason the
world is in the trouble it is
The next step for you is to pray
that God will include you· among
the few who will be accounted
worthy to escape the tribulation
period ahead of us (Luke 21 :36;
Revelation 3:10).
God 's true servants in the end
time along with concerned scien–
tists and men of vision are
branded as "doomsday prophets."
The world does not want to hear
the truth. The whole world has
strayed so far from God that
truth is no longer recognizable.
Only the wise will stop-and lis–
ten- and consider-and act! And
escape the coming time of troubi'e
which will precede the return of
Jesus Christ to this earth to rees–
tablish the government of God
over all nations and bring us
peace! o