A revolution in American society threatens the foundations of the Free World.
in history has
there been such an abun–
dance of books, words and
pictures on the subject of the "fair
sex," marriage and sexuality.
A visit to any library or book–
store (and especially our large
university faci li ties) will reveal an
array of titles to pique your
The Feminine Mys–
tique, Woman in a Man-Made
World, The Second Sex, The
New Feminism in Twenti:eth
Century America, On Being Fe–
mate. Beyond Sex Role Stereo–
to name a few.
But it's not necessary to go any
farther than the local grocery store
to find the same subject matter
displayed prominently on magazine
Ruth E. Walter
covcrs. Or for that matter ifyoujust
stay home and listen to the radio,
watch television or read the daily
newspaper you will probably learn
of organized attempts to help
abused wives, of ways to counteract
sex-role stereotyping and of new
lifestyles and opportunities opening
up for women.
Many view this flood of infor–
mation and exposure as tbe means
of helping us all down the simple
path of equal rights and justice.
Others see the movement as a
threat to the stability of society.
Where is the Women's Move–
ment ultimately leading? Who
are the leaders? What are the real
issues? Will feminist goals affect
the fabric of society? Above all,
what does God say about
T he issues at first seem so
complex that it may appear diffi–
cult to "get a handle" on cause
and effect relationships. Js the
Women's Movement responsible
for increasing divorce and child
crime as critics charge? Is the
constant harping by feminists on
the "tyranny of men" driving a
wedge between the sexes?
These questions need lo be
answered because the answers will
affect you and your loved ones at
home, at school and in the work
What is " Feminism"?
does not mean
Far from it.