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given a decade or so of reprieve
from mass famines. But it's time
to wake up! You will be shocked
to learn that Bible prophecy
reveals the collapse of nations
that happen to be great world
food exporters. North Ainerica
will not forever feed the hungry
The identities of these nations
and the reasons for their collapse
are revealed in our startling, but
free, booklet,
The United States
and Britain in Prophecy.
need to know the biblical identity
of these nations. Your life may
depend on it!
Unprecedented Famines Ahead
The future of mankind is laid
bare in the Bible. When asked
what would be the signs of His
return before the close of this
age, J esus described false proph–
ets, wars and disease epidemics–
" ... and there will be famines,"
He also prophesied (Matthew
Nations have brought the pop–
ulat ion-food crisis upon them–
selves. The nations have repeat–
edly chosen to arm themselves
instead of pursuing peace and
food production as top priorities.
They have served false gods and
worshiped their own immoral or
ungodly ways. They have devel–
oped greedy, corrupt systems at
the expense of the poor and
Soon tl)e Creator will intervene
in a powerful way to punish
nations for their sins.
The book of Revelation depicts
an earth whose end-time food
production will largely collapse.
First it will happen as a result of
mankind's growing warfare and
pollution . Then God will strike
the earth- la nd and sea- to
wake humanity up to His author–
ity and reality in the affairs of
men (see Revelation 8:7-11,
The Final Solution
Even if humanity could experience
world peace, political-economic
stability and favorable weather, the
prospects of sufficiently feeding all
of humanity would be grim. With
political, economic, energy and
weather upsets continually jolting
nations, the situation is not human–
ly solvable.
Jesus Christ
has to
return and
set up the government of God to
save nations from their insoluble
problems-one of which is the
population-food crisis- once and
for all.
Agriculture will finally be put
back on the right track. Nations
will no longer be a ll owed to
spend, as many do today, half
their government budgets for war
making instead of. food produc–
"And he [Jesus Chr ist] shall
judge among the nations, and
shall rebuke many people; and
they shall beat their swords into
plowshares, and their spears into
pruninghooks, nations shall not
lift up sword against nation, nei–
ther shall they learn war any
more" (Isaiah 2:4).
Human beings wi ll no longer
be estranged from land and food
production as is th e growing
problem today. "In that day, says
the Lord of hosts, every one of
you will invite his neighbor under
vine and under
fig tree"
(Zechariah 3:1 O, Revised Stan–
dard Version).
Because humanity will learn to
obey God's laws and humbly
bring Him into their daily lives,
the earth fina lly wi ll be blessed
with abundant good weather,
rain and fertile soi l.
Vast waste and desert lands
will become verdant and produc–
tive, " . .. the desert shall rejoice,
and blossom as a rose .. . for in
the wilderness shall waters break
out, a nd streams in the desert.
And the parched ground shall
become a pool, and the thirsty
land spr ing s of water ... "
(lsaiah 35:1, 6-8) .
"Behold, the days come, saith
the Lord, that the plowman shall
overtake the reaper, and the
treader of grapes him that soweth
seed ... " (Amos 9: 13).
"Say to them that are of a
fearful heart, Be strong, fear not,
your God will come with ven–
geance ...; he will come a nd
(Isaiah 35:4).
Then mankind's centuries of
hunger will be over! o
(Continued from page 18)
as Mexico has discovered urani–
um ore reserves amounting to
sorne 500,000 tons- rivaling its
oi l reserves as a source of ener–
The technology for producing
the heavy water needed for natu–
ral uranium plants is not beyond
Mexico's present capacity.
Mexico is undeniably wealthy
enough to finance the develop–
ment of nuclear weapons and is
rapidly acqui r ing the required
There is little doubt that Bra–
zil, Argentina and Mexico, as
wcll as many other coun tries
around the globe, will have the
capacity of bui ld ing nuclear
weapons in the not-too-distant
future. A política! decision to do
so is a ll that will be required.
Efforts to limit nuclear prolif–
eration have clearly fai led. With
each new entry into the Nuclear
Club, the chance of nuclear holo–
ca ust will increase- despite
pledges of peaceful intentions by
the great powers and the small.
Safeguard procedures ca n too
easily be breached.
There ls a Way of Escape
How can you make certain that
you, personally, will survive this
prophesied nightmarish period?
This prophesied period of warfare
and a narchy which lies a head,
j ust prior to the return of
J esus Himself provides the
answer: "Watch ye therefore and
pray always, that ye may be
accounted worthy to escape all
these things that shall come to
pass, and to stand before the Son
of man" (Luke 21 :36) .
Just as righteous Noah was
divinely protected through the
Flood that erased life from the
face of the land, God today
promises to spare all those who
individually turn from the evi ls of
this present world a nd submit
themselves to Him.
Will you take Christ 's warni ng
seriously? Your life depends on
it! o