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Satan's goal is to see that
we use those means.
A visit to such a
display would be an
discouraging experience.
Sobered, we would make
our way thoughtfully to
the exhibit of the
kingdom of God.
This kingdom has also
been widely
misunderstood. Jesus
said it was a kingdom
"not of this world" (John
18:36). Many have wondered wbat he meant by that.
Did he mean we only enter it when we get to
heaven? Or is he trying to establish it in our hearts?
Presumably, the churcbes, sects, denominations
and cults of "Christendom" would like to lend a
hand in organizing this exhibit. The result would be
utter confusion. Most of them can't agree about what
the kingdom of God is- and wben they do agree
among themselves they get it wrong.
Jesus knows what be meant. His kingdom is real,
and it is destined to become
superpower of tbe
future. That will bappen after he is sent by God to
intervene and rescue humanity from Satan's
unprecedented end-time rampage. The last book of
the Bible, Revelation, tells you all about that. It also
explains how Christ and his kingdom will preside
over 1,000 years of peace and harmony
on the earth.
the kingdom of God had a pavilion at EXPO,
what would it have shown? Progress, certainly, not
only in transportation and communication, but in
every other field.
Tbe Creator of the human race laves progress. He
November/ December 1888
enjoys innovation, and appreciates inventiveness. Just
Jook at the rich variety of things
has made out of
the hundred or so physical elements that he brought
into existence. Like any parent he will never
discourage his children from learning and growing,
providing it is along safe and constructive lines.
Perhaps this exhibit would give sorne hints of
things we haven't yet thought of- whole fields of
endeavors yet untouched (1 Cor. 2:9). God is the
autbor of harmony and beauty. Surely bis exhibit
would be filled with uplifting music and stunning art.
And a wholly new realm of education based on the
development of character.
The pavilion of the kingdom of God would be
designed to teach us how we could realize our
highest aspirations and greatest goals. And then to
soar even higher-higher tban we have dared
imagine. Because that is how he has revealed his
kingdom to us-in the glimpses recorded in the
pages of the Bible.
The visitar would at last understand how we will
have a world at peace. Today, our definition of
"peace" seems to be
"an absence of nuclear
war between the
But is this present
state of turmoil ( 150
wars since World War
11) really peace? Jesus
peace is " not
as the world gives"
peace (John 14:27,
RAV). God would
have to explain what
peace on a
worldwide scale is Jike.
In the upbeat, optimistic world of EXPO 86, this
pavilion surely would have been one of the most
popular. On the other hand, the kingdom of Satan
with its hollow deceit exposed would have struck an
incongruous note. But these two kingdoms were not
there. Satan prefers to remain inconspicuous, and it
is not time for Jesus Christ to show what he can do.
Nevertheless, EXPO was a great exhibition.
Canada's Prime Minister Brian Mulroney called it a
"happy and historie celebration," and he was right. Jt
left you feeling positive and encouraged.
made you
realize how petty and contrived the hard feelings and
differences between nations really are. EXPO showed
the world the way we want it to be. But it will not be
this way while the kingdom of Satan maintains its
invisible grip.
Thank God tbat won't be forever. Tbe Bible tells
us of a time when the kingdom of God will no longer
be " not of this world."
will be established in a
position of influence where nations can come to it
and learn how to make genuine, lasting, meaningful
progress (lsa. 2:2-4).
Then, and only then, will we have a world that is
not just in motion- but going places.
-John Halford