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concepts of theological doctrine, as
bis instruments.
But the real world evangelism
will be administered by this Head–
quarters Church, composed of res–
urrected immortals, under direct
personal supervision of Christ him–
One thing there will not be in
the millennial Headquarters
Church is a doctrinal committee of
intellectual "scholars" to decide
whether Christ's teachings are t rue
doctrines. There was no such doc–
trinal committee in the first cen–
tury Headquarters Church at
One other tremendous organiza–
tional function will be directed
from this Headquarters Church-
. that of direction of all the local
churches over the world. These
churches will be composed of those
who become converted-begotten
of God by receiving bis Holy
Spirit- though still mortal.
Mlllennlal Growth in Knowledge,
Just as converted Christians in this
present age must continue to live a
life of overcoming, and of spiritual
growth and development (11 Pet.
3: 18) , so will they in the millen–
nium. Happily they then will not
have to overcome Satan. But they
shall have to overcome all evil im–
pulses, habits or temptations, in–
nate within themselves.
With only one Church-one re–
ligion-one faith-there will be
many church congregations in ev–
ery city, others scattered through
rural areas. There will be district
super intendents over areas, and
pastors, elders, deacons and dea–
conesses in every local church.
This, then, gives an insight into
how the world will be organized.
This shows how a super world
government can, and will, be estab–
lished on earth. The very purpose
of the Church of this present time
is to provide God's training school
or teachers' college to train in spir–
itual knowledge, education and
godly character , to supply all the
positions at the beginning of this
wonderful 1,000-year reign of
Christ on earth.
After the end of this coming
millennial rule of Christ on earth,
will come the final judgment.
1 have mentioned in this book
that at the time of the first Adam's
sin, God closed off from humanity
as a whole the "tree of life" sym–
bolizing God's g ift of bis Holy
Spirit and begettal of immortal
God-life, until Christ the second
Adam shall have replaced Satan on
earth's throne and come to reign
over all nations on earth.
Meanwhile, we have covered
how the prophets were a pre-foun–
dation of the Church of God. And
the apostle Peter mentioned (1 Pet.
4: 17) that the
had be–
gun with the Church. Those God
has called to come to him through
Jesus Christ during this Church
age have been here and now
judged, during this life. But judg–
inent has not yet come to the
Does that mean the world is
freed to oommit sin? Not at all.
God allows people to sin, but they
are not now as yet judged for their
After the Mlllennlum
Following the millennial reign of
Christ and the Church on earth,
however, shall come the time of
on this world. A
criminal may have committed a
great crime- even murder. But un–
ti! caught, and brought to trial be–
fore a judge, he has not yet been
judged or condemned.
In the final judgment, with
Christ on the judgment seat, every
human who has 1ived in this wor1d
shall be brought back to life (Rev.
20:11-12). They shall then give ac–
count for their sins committed in
their first life.
The dead
Christ at the time
of Jesus ' Second Coming sorne
thousand years previously, shall
have been resurrected to immortal
God-life, and those who were still
living and were
Christ at bis
coming and led by his Holy Spirit
will have been changed instantly
into immortal God-life. They shall
rule and teach with and under
Christ during the thousand years.
But all others who have died shall
not live again until the end of the
millennium (Rev. 20:5).
The 37th chapter of Ezekiel also
shows the resurrection at the time
of the judgment. This 37th chapter
is the prophecy of the "dry bones."
The Bible itself interprets these
d ry bones in verse 11 where it says
these dry bones are the house of
Israel: " ... behold, they say, Our
bones are dried, and our hope is
t. ..."
Like the prophecy says:
"Again he said unto me, Prophesy
upon these bones, and say unto
them, O ye dry bones, hear the
word of the Lord. Thus saith the
Lord God unto these bones; Be–
hold, 1 will cause breath to enter
into you, and ye shall live: and 1
will lay sinews upon you, and will
bring up flesh upon you, and cover
you with skin, and put breath in
you, and ye shall live; and ye shall
know that 1 am the Lord" (verses
Next this prophecy tells of the
Great White Throne Judgment
when this whole house of Israel,
who sinned so greatly against God,
shall be resurrected.
Tbe prophecy continues: "So 1
prophesied as 1 was commanded:
and as 1 prophesied, there was a
noise, and behold a shaking, and
the bones carne together, bone to
his bone. And when 1 beheld, lo,
the sinews and the flesh carne up
upon them, and the skin covered
them above: but there was no
breath in them. Then said he unto
me, Prophesy unto the wind,
prophesy, son of man, and say to
the wind, Thus sai th the Lord God;
Come from the four winds, O
. breath , and breathe upon these
slain, that they may live.
"So I prophesied as he com–
manded me, and the breath carne
into them, and they lived , and
stood up upon their feet, an ex–
ceeding great army" (verses 7-1
This shows them brought back to
mortal life, sustained by breathing
of air, just as in their original
That is, mortal life-stilJ uncon–
verted. Then God says, " Behold, O
my people, l will open your graves,
and cause you to come up out of
your graves, and bring you into the
land of Israel." This is the resur–
rection in the Great White Throne
Judgment. All the ancient l s–
raelites are resurrected mortal , pre–
cisely as in their first life. Tben
what? "And ye shall know that 1
am the Lord, when 1 have opened
your graves, O my people, and
brought you up out of your graves,
(Continued on page 16)