ment, know that the truth would
be much more difficult for the
public to swallow" (op. cit.}.
This eminent writer cont inues:
"The essential point of the new
treaty is to abolish the national
veto over the whole range of social
policy. W ithin the area, Britain
wi ll no longer be able to impede
furthe r reductions of its sover–
eignty, however fundamental."
The British are being persuaded
to take irrevocable steps in bring–
ing about European polit ical union.
A question consequent ly emerges.
Will not rel igious union follow in
the wake of political unity?
The Papal Vision
Do not think that Pope J ohn Paul
11 is unconcerned about European
unity. From t ime to t ime he has
voiced bis views on the European
union theme. He d id so in Spain in
la t e 1982. A nd again in th e
Netherlands in 1985.
Later the Pope said tbat European
identity is incomprehensible with–
out Ch r istianity. He fur ther de–
clared that
Europe could become
"and can be so with the respect
due to all its differences, including
those of d iverse pol itical systems."
We ask you: How is that possible
without strong church influence on
political governments reminiscent
of the Middle Ages? Do not ignore
the Pope's vision of European unity.
could be the key catalyst in bring–
ing about eventual polit ical union.
A Clear·slghted American Reporter
Why do sorne human beings see
clearer than others? Many factors
enter into this question: hered ity,
environment, education, knowledge
of history, opportuni ty to t ravel,
natural gifts of discernment. What–
ever the answer, American corre–
spondent William Pfaff also has
emerged as a reporter with vision.
He understands Europe as few
Americans do. He wrote on the
editorial page of
The l nternationa /
Herald Tribune:
"What has been
striking since 1945 is not how
much the world has changed from
that Europe-centered one which
existed befare 1945, but how little
has changed, so far as the essential
components of power and risk are
concerned . That many, perhaps
most North Americans fail to rec–
ognize this is a further factor of
risk" (J une 23, 1986).
W illiam P faff concedes t hat
West European states are
somewhat behind the super–
powers and J apan in economic
clout. Then he observes: "Count
How the EEC envisions
its own future prosperity
and security is really
quite different from what
most observers think.
France and Bri tain, or France and
Italy, togethe r with West Ger–
many, and you have an industrial
agglomeration of Soviet size or big–
ger, and one infinitely more flex–
ible, innovat ive and technologicall y
the Europ ean
Community is considered al/ to–
gether, it makes up the most pow–
erful economic and industr ia l
combination on earth"
Then M r. Pfaff delivers a block–
buster. H e writes: "Common Amer–
ican perceptions of Western Europe
as a comparatively weak and declin–
ing force in world affairs are just i–
fied by neither the índices of produc–
t ive power nor those of potential
mi litary strength.
The military ca–
pacity of Western Europe, collec–
tively, is equivalent to that ofeither
of the superpowers-should the
Europeans wish to make use of it "
(empbasis ours).
William P fafrs insight is almost
biblical. He recognizes the Conti–
nent's continuing instability. I t is
still d ivided by the I ron Curtain.
Berlín is rent in two. The two Ger–
manys remain riven. This is not
Eu rope's natural state . Present
condit ions are inherently problem
He concludes: "What happens in
Europe decides the global balance
of power.
the pawn ca–
pable of becoming a queen."
What God Sees
God sees everything human beings
do and much more! His political
vision is unfail ingly accurate. H e
understands and sees Europe as no
man or nation does. He knows the
pawn wi ll become a queen! I t is his
vision that counts!
lndeed t he bibl ical prophet
Daniel foretold future happenings
in Europe two and one half millen–
nia ago. There were to be seven
resurrections of the original Ro–
man Empire. A final 10-nation su–
perpower will constitute the sev–
enth and Jast resurrection. That
time is just ahead of us. Perhaps at
the very end of this century-or at
the commencement of century 21.
At that time all nations will be
chastened and will fi nally realize
that God is the ul timate ruler
among the kingdoms of men. He
can make and unmake nations. God
himself will then set up bis rul ing
family on this earth.
You need to unders tand how
events wi ll work ou t! All is elo–
quently explained in our booklet
tit led
World Peace-How l t Will
This booklet expounds the
European connection-where Eu–
rope fits in future prophecy. For
your free copy, write to the address
of our office nearest you.
(Continued from page 1)
and bis dogged search for the t ruth. He freely
shared his understanding with us, and we have
been privi leged to make it available to you. He
loved and respected bis readers and, in a figu rative
sense, he remembered you in his wi ll.
text in permanent bound form are invited to write
for a free soft-cover copy of
Mystery of the Ages.
See the inside front cover for the address of the
Plain Truth
office nearest you.
Note: New readers who have not read all the
installments and those who would like the complete