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Care must be taken here with the
IRA. The official IRA, which is
fighting in Ulster, is Marxist
while the Provisional IRA (PI RA)
which is responsible for mostofthe
outrages in Ulster and England,
comes close to fascism, although
its underlying philosophical out–
look is Marxist. That position is
further complicated by the rise of
the ruthless Irish National Libera–
tion Army (INLA), which has
carried out sorne of the most hor–
rific murders. It is Trotskyist.
Sorne groups have
very specific
tions. An example is the PLO
and the other Palestinian terror–
ist groups. Latín American orga–
nizations are very Marxist–
oriented and also the IRA. It is
not usually understood that the
IRA isn't just against the British,
but equally against the govern–
ment of the Trish Republic. They
want to abolish the Irish Parlia–
ment and set up a "socialist revo–
lutionary" dictatorship in Dublin.
Right-wing terrorism is another,
and newer, phenomenon.
Which countries in the
world provide safe havens for ter–
rorists and give substantial finan–
cia! support to terrorist groups
and military training and equip–
l raq and Libya are
two which are safe havens and
produce funds. Another safe hav–
en is the South Yemen, a Soviet–
bloc puppet.
Libya and Cuba are
the two main havens for the ter–
rorists. The various Arab nations
also give shelter, training facili–
ties, arms and money to the vari–
ous groups which attach them–
selves to the government of the
day. Russia's satellites also give
succour to the terrorists, but
Does the Soviet Union play
a majar role in supporting terror–
ist groups?
The Soviet Union
has tried most successfully to
presenta pure image to the world
over its support of terrorism. In a
recent pamphlet published by the
Jonathan l nstitute in Jerusalem,
August 1980
this facade is exposed. The Rus–
sians pick likely recruits from
among Third World students at
Lumumba University and train
them as terrorist leaders. T here
are terrorist training camps
maintained in East Germany and
Czechoslovakia. A number of
Arab terrorists who have at–
tended these camps have been
captured by the Israelis and have
told their stories revealing the
extent of Soviet involvement.
Most terrorist weapons are Soviet
designed but made in and sup–
plied from Czechoslovakia. Ter–
rorists are also allowed to use the
satellite countries as havens after
carrying out operations in Eu–
rope. It is significant that not a
single act of terrorism has been
carried out against the Soviet
Union by these terrorist groups.
The latest development is the use
by the Russians of Cubans to
train Arab terrorists in South
Yemen. They always try to hide
their own responsibility but this
cover is now blown.
Soviet assistance
plays a part almost everywhere.
directly assists anti-Israeli ter–
rorist groups, but so far as
know, has not directly assisted
the IRA. On the other hand, the
U.S.S.R. assists those countries
and groups which
assist the
IRA. It has always been in the
Soviet interest to keep the pot
bloody and boiling everywhere
outside the Soviet bloc. Unrest is
something they always hope will
play into their hands. It's differ–
ent inside the Soviet Unían, of
course. There they crush even the
slightest manifestation of anti–
state activity.
Would the financia! support
the IRA receives f rom Irish
Americans compare with the
backing such nations as Cuba and
Libya give the PLO?
No. These are two
different phenomena. The I rish
Americans give money and politi–
cal support out of !ove for an
ancient cause. Many of them feel
guilty that they are leading a soft
life in America while their cous–
ins are fighting and dying in the
old country. This type of emo-
Al! terrorist groups
are a serious threat, no
matter how smal/
they are or how
poor/y equipped.
Walter Nelson
tionalism obscures the truths of
the situation in lreland and hides
the fact that the men they are
supporting tend to be ruthless
thugs. The support given by
Cuba and especially Libya is of a
different quality. These countries
provide training camps, weapons,
finances, logistic support through
the "diplomatic bag" and in fact
behave like countries at war.
The financia! help
which Irish-Americans give to
the IRA is substantial. But that is
peanuts compared to what they
get elsewhere. American help is
more important psychologically.
l t allows the IRA to indulge in
the fantasy that they're respected
internationally and that they pur–
sue a legitimate cause with which
others sympathize.
How sophisticated is the
weaponry of these groups, and
(Continued on page 39)
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