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lf You're Unemployed
creative process must have a
We have received your
As a scientist, 1 am not
magazine for many months
opposed to religion; but, 1 do
and we both feel we have a
object and object most
greater understanding of the
strongly to the abuse of
world around us. We are
science .. . in particular by
both unemployed and have a
Creationists. The evolution of
small child and without your
species, indeed all species, is
free subscription we would be most strongly supported by
unable to read your smashing
the scientific evidence [c.f.
magazine. lt has helped us
"The Creationists"]. The
sort out many economic and
Abusing Science
by Phil
spiritual problems.
Kitcher presents hard
Mr. and Mrs. R. Paterson
evidence that Creationists
have intentionally misquoted
Why Sclence Questions
reputable scientists and in so
doing, have changed the
entire meaning of the original
1 recall (and have before
statement [deceptive followers
me) an article entitled,
of a Creator are no better
"What Spokesmen for
than the concept of a
Science Are Not Telling,"
Deceptive Creator].
which concedes that the
In closing, 1 hope that you
world is not a mere 6,000
will give your attention to the
years old
[Piain Truth,
enclosed materials and
1984] and that the 'Creator'
continue to probe the subject
does not meddle in Scientific
with an open mind. 1 look
Laws {perhaps tbis is one of
forward to hearing from you.
tbe better attempts to
David E. Miller
reconcile science and
Hazard Community CoUege
~heology) .
Nevertheless, 1 find
Hazard, Kentucky
distortions in that article as
You noted that
The Plain
well [such as implying that a
teach that the
(Continuedfrompage 1)
firmly, "This is a moral issue and you have to
make a decision. By accepting drug use you are
accepting a practice that is destroying lives. You
cannot separate polite drug use at a chic LA.
party from drug use in sorne back alley somewhere.
They are morally equal."
Stern talk indeed! Mrs. Reagan left no one in
any doubt where
stood. Sorne issues are too
important to be influenced by party politics and
temporary popularity.
Ironically, only five days befare Mrs. Reagan's
Los Angeles speech, a gifted young athlete, Len
Bias, died of cardiac arrest because of drugs.
Three days later another young athlete in the
prime of his career, Don Rogers, also died from
cocaine overdose. It was the day befare he was to
be married. Thus Mrs. Reagan 's concerns were
This first lady has carried her concern beyond
October 1SJ86
earth is 6,000 years old.
capture Belgrade in 1456, but
Most so-called "Creationists"
they suffered a disastrous
misunderstand Genesis 1:1-2
defeat attempting to do so.
and do not agree with our
The defeat took the
momentum out of their
When we quote eminent
westward advance, and they
scientists who are admitting
did not take Belgrade until
problems with the theory of
evo/ution, we do
to imply that they hove given
Long Beacb, Calif.
up evolution. On the
contrary. The point is that
You are correct. Janos
these bril/iant and educated
Hunyadi, a European
persons continue to grasp at
military commander,
this theory in spite of their
accomplished what one
own admissions and personal
historical source said was
intelligence. We make the
"one of the most remarkable
point that the theory of
victories in the history of
evo/ution has become a kind
Turkish wars." With a /arge
of religious dogma, cast in
number of mercenaries and a
scientiflc-sounding garb. But
ragged army of peasants,
that does not make what is
Hunyadi turned back the
common/y called
Turkish forces of Su/tan
"Creationism" a sound
from Be/grade on
July 22, 1456. The research
Comet Halley
error in the
Plain Truth
artic/e originated on page 50
The P/ain Truth
The New York Times
a serious historical error. You
Guide to the Return of
say that in 1456 "Comet
Halley's Comet,
where we
Halley appeared and the
read (in reference to the
Turks captured Belgrade by
1456 Be/grade conflict): "As
the Danube."
history shows, the Turks won
The Turks not only did not
the battle.
the shores of America and encouraged the first
ladies of other nations to get involved.
We of
The Plain Truth
applaud Mrs. Reagan
for her efforts. We ask our millions of readers
from nearly every country on earth to consider her
words carefully.
Most of us aren't public figures. But we do set
personal examples, in our marriages, at our work,
in our personal habits. It is what we
not what
we say we believe, that shows what we
think! The drug scene is just one more example of
adult double standards come home to roost , and
teenagers pick up on a double standard quicker
than they pick up on the latest popular tune.
Mrs. Reagan had the courage to challenge every
one of us to examine what we
then prove it!