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other way, God marked out six
millennial days to allow man to
indulge in the spiritual labor of sin,
followed by a millennium of spi ri–
tual rest, under the enforced gov–
ernment of God.
Government Planned from
And now comes a wonderful t ruth.
Now we come to a revealed in–
sight into the wonderfu l planning,
preparing and organizing of t he
perfect government of God.
There will be no incompetent
and selfishly ambitious politicians
seeking to get their covetous hands
on the throttle of government
power by the deceptive political
methods of this world. Today peo–
ple are asked to vote into office
men they know little about-men
whose qualifications are largely
misrepresented. In the soon-com–
ing government of God, every offi–
cial placed in authority shall have
been tried and tested, trained, ex–
perienced and qualified, by God's
qual ifications. The fact illustrates
t he purpose and necessity of the
C hurch. The function of the
Church is not merely to convert
t he "firstfruits"-not merely to
bring about salvation to those spe–
cially called out of the world and
into the Churcb, but to prepare
and train them for these positions
of leadership in the kingdom when
salvation will be opened to all the
God has planned abead, but not
only for bis government to rule the
earth. He had said to Adam, in
effect: "Go, plan your own human
governments, create in your own
imaginations your . own gods and
religions; develop your own knowl–
edge and educational structure,
plan your own social systems (in a
word, organize your own human
But God, in sentencing man to
6,000 years of being cut off from
him, reserved the prerogative of
calling to special service and con–
tact with him sucb as be should
choose for bis purpose. During this
day of man, God has prepared for
bis own millennial civilization, in
al l its phases-governmental, edu–
cational, religious-his whole civi–
1t all began with Abrabam.
In bis day, there was only one
man on earth who was at once a
man of strong character and at the
same time meekly and wholly sub–
missive and obedient to God- to
God's laws and bis direction and
rule. That man was Abraham.
God began training men for top
posit ions of authority in bis coming
world, with Abrabam. Abraham
Iived in the most "advanced" civi–
lization- the most developed and,
as people thought, most desirable
God said to Abraham ( then
named Abram), "Get thee out of
civilization- with Abraham. When
Abraham proved obedient, God
blessed bis labors and allowed bim
to become wealthy. God gave him
experience in the wise handling of
wealth and in directing a great
force of men.
Isaac was reared by God-fearing,
God-obeying Abraham, in God's
ways, obedient to God's govern–
ment. He became heir along with
bis father Abrabam. He, too, was
trained in obedience, and also in
directing and ruling over others.
Then Jacob, born with this rich
heredity, was educated to follow
thy country, and from thy
kindred, and from thy fa–
ther's house, unto a land
that I will shew thee"
(Gen. 12: 1) .
T here was no argu–
ment. Abraham didn't
say, " But why? Why
must I give up al l the
pleasures of this civiliza–
tion- give up even my
relatives and friends?"
Abraham didn't argue or
It is written, simply,
"So Abram departed ..."
hink of it-no money
wasted on political
political parties with
quarreling and hatreds.
No political parties!
(verse 4).
Abrabam was put to severe
tests. But, after he died, God
said, "Abrabam obeyed my voice,
and kept my charge, my com–
mandments, my statutes [of gov–
ernment], and my laws" (Gen.
Abrabam was being trained for
high position in tbe government of
God, now soon to rule the world.
He believed in, was obedient and
loyal to, God's government-its
statutes and laws.
Abrabam was given the pro–
mises on which the salvation of
every person, through Christ, is
based. He is called the father
(humanly) of the faithful (Gal.
3:7). To the gentiles of Galatia,
the apostle Paul wrote: "And if
ye be Chr ist 's, then are ye [gen–
tiles] Abrabam's seed, and heirs
according to tbe promise" (Gal.
3:29) . In the 16th verse, he had
said : "Now to Abraham and bis
seed [descendant-Chr ist] were
the promises made...."
God was starting to prepare for
bis kingdom-to train topflight
personnel for positions in God's
through on the same pattern Abra–
ham and Isaac bad learned. Even
though bis father-in-law deceived
him, and held him down, Jacob
also became wealthy. He was bu–
man- as were Abrabam and Isaac
and all humans. He made mistakes.
But he overcame. He repented. He
prevailed with God. He never quit!
He developed the qualities and
character of leadership. He became
the father of the twelve greatest
nations-to-be in the soon-coming
world tomorrow.
The Pattern of Government
God has not told us, in so many
words, precisely how bis coming
world super government will be or–
ganized. Yet he has given us the
general pattern. He has told us
specifically where 14 bigh execu–
tives (including Christ) will fit in.
And from them we may deduce a
great deal of the remaining govern–
mental structure. Mucb of the
coming structure of government is
at least strongly indicated by what
is plainly revealed.
We know it will be the govern-