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Kingdom of
(Continued from page 13)
Tomorrow's World Governmental
Now·notice just bow the new world
government will function during the
next thousand years. It will not be
so-called democracy.
will not be
socialism. It will not be communism
or fascism.
will not be human
monarchy, oligarchy or plutocracy.
will not be man's government over
man. Man has proveo his utter inca–
pability of ruling himself.
It will be divine government–
theocracy-tbe government of God
ruling over humans.
will not be
government from tbe bottom up.
Tbe people will bave no votes. lt
will not be government of or by tbe
people-but it will be government
for tbe people. It will be govern–
ment from the top (God Almighty)
down. -It will be hierarchy in form.
Tbere will be no election cam–
paigns. No campaign fund-raising
dinners. No dirty political cam–
paigns, where each candidate at–
tempts to put bimself forward in
tbe most favorable light, defaming,
denouncing, discrediting bis oppo–
nents. No time will be wasted in
mudslinging campaigns in the lust
for power.
No human will be given any gov–
ernment office. All in government
service wilJ then be divine Spirit
beings, in the kingdom of God–
the God family.
All officials will be appointed–
and by tbe divine Cbrist, who reads
and knows men's bearts, their inner
cbaracter, and abilities or lack of
ability. You'll find a description of
Cbrist's supernatural insight into
tbe very character of otbers in Isa–
iab 11:2-5.
Notice it: "And tbe spirit of tbe
Lord sball rest upon bim, the spirit
of wisdom and understanding, tbe
spirit ofcounsel and migbt, the spirit
of knowledge and of the fear of the
Lord; and shall make him of quick
understanding ... and he shall not
judge after tbe sigbt of bis eyes, nei–
tber reprove after tbe hearing of bis
ears [hearsay]: but with righteous–
ness shall he judge tbe poor, and
reprove with equity for tbe meek of
tbe earth ..." (lsa. 11:2-4).
Remember, God is the Supreme
One who is
gives- who
rules with outgoing concern for tbe
ruled. He will rule for the higbest
good of the people. Tbe most able,
the most righteous, those best fit–
ted for office will be placed in all
offices of responsibility and power.
There will tben be two kinds of
beings on earth- bumans, being
ruled by those made divine.
Sorne resurrected saints will rule
over ten cities, sorne over five
(Luke 19:17-19).
Tbink of it- no money wasted
on political campaigns. No splits in
political parties with quarreling
and hatreds. No political parties!
What la the New Covenant?
In short, under the New Covenant,
which Cbrist is coming to usber in,
what we shall see on earth is happi–
ness, peace, abundance and justice
for al
Did you ever. read just what
this New Covenant will consist of?
Did you suppose it will do away
with God's law? Exactly the oppo–
site. "For this is the covenant [that
Christ is coming to establish, you' ll
read in Hebrews 8:10] ... 1 will
put my laws into their mind, and
write them in their hearts...."
Wben God's laws are in our
hearts-when we love God's ways,
and in our hearts want to live by
them, human nature will be put
under subjection- people will want
to live the way that causes peace,
happiness, abundance, joyful well–
But remember, the bumans re–
maining on the earth after Christ's
return-ruled then by Christ and
those resurrected or changed to im–
mortality- will themselves still
have human nature. They will be
still unconverted.
Two Courses of Actlon
But Christ and the governing king–
dom of God, then set up as the
govérning family, will bring about
the coming utopía by two basic
courses of action.
1) All crime and organized re–
bellion will be put down by force–
divine supernatural force.
2) Christ will then set bis hand
to reeducate and to save or spiritu–
ally convert the world.
Notice, first, how the social and
religious customs will be changed
by divine force.
God gave seven annual Festivals
and Holy Days he commanded to
be observed. They contained great
and important meaning. They pic–
tured God's master plan for work–
ing out his purpose for humanity.
Tbey were establisbed forever..
Jesus observed tbem, setting us an
example. The apostles observed
them (Acts 18:21; 20:6, 16; 1 Cor.
5:8; 16:8) . The true, original
Church-including gentile con–
verts-kept them.
They were God's way- God' s
customs for his people. But people
rejected God's ways and customs,
and turned, instead, to the ways
and customs of the pagan religions.
People did wbat seemed right to
themselves. And since human
minds in this world bave been hos–
tile against God (Rom. 8:7) , atti–
tudes of hostility against God's way
of life have prevailed. The ways
tbat seem rigbt to a man have been
ways contrary to the ways that pro–
duce peace, happiness and abun–
dant living. These same wrong
ways seem right to most people
today! We realize they seem
right-not wrong- to most who
will be reading these words.
But can we realize that "there
is a way which seemetb right
unto a man, but the end thereof
are the ways of death"? (Prov.
14:12). And if you turn to
Proverbs 16:25 you will see the
same thing repeated: "There is a
way that seemeth right unto a
man, but the end thereof are tbe
ways of death."
God said througb Moses: " Ye
shall not do after all tbe things that
we do bere tbis day, every man
wbatsoever is right
bis own
eyes" (Deut. 12:8). And again:
"Take heed to thyself that tbou be
not snared by following them [pa–
gan religious customs] ... and tbat
thou inquire not after their gods,
saying, How did these nations serve
their gods? even so will 1 do like–
wise. Thou shalt not do so unto tbe
Lord thy God: for every abomina–
tion to the Lord, wbich he bateth,
have they done unto their
gods .. ." (Deut. 12:30-31).
Today the professing Christian
world rejects God's Holy Days;
holy to him, but which a deceived
"Cbristianity" bates. They observe
instead the pagan days- Christ-