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it or not,
you have, as one
might say in the
speech of the inner
cities of America, a hole in
your head.
"Who me?"
Yes, you! You and all the rest of
mankind have something missing.
All your life you have been trying
to fill that figurative hole- that
feeling of emptiness-and yet, you
are still unfulfilled. This is why
you are always driving and never
arriving- getting but never hav–
ing- seeking and never finding.
That is why you "can't get no sat–
Yet you can discover what you
have been searching for all your
life. You can fill that feeling of
emptiness with the "right stuff'
that satisfies!
Man' s Mlsslng Dlmenslon
So you have that void, that figura–
tive hole in your head, but where
did it come from and who put it
there? To find the answers. Jet us
go all the way back to the creation
of man.
Man is unique in all of creation.
We are the only creatures that look
like God, yet we are the only crea–
tures that God purposely made in–
complete. Even though we look like
God, we are a long way from being
complete like God.
Man is incomplete in that he is
mortal and will die (Gen. 3:19). On
the other hand, God is immortal
spirit (John 4:24).
But the most important differ–
ence is that man's mind is incom–
plete- there is something missing.
What are humans missing? You
were born missing the mind of
When Almighty God made your
physical brain, he also put a spirit
entity there to give you intellect
and reasoning ability. This spirit
also gives you the ability to receive
another spirit-God's Spirit that is
.. needed to make your mind com–
The apostle Paul explains: "For
what man knows the things of a
man except the spirit of the man
Earl H. Williams