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Major Mysteries
This article is from the script of a recent telecast by Richard Ames.
thousands of years
man has pondered the
meaning of his exis–
tence. Why was he
born? What is the purpose of
life? Is there any purpose?
Today, our fund of knowledge
has increased in nearly every di–
rection. We know more than
ever befor e abou t the wor ld
around us, and even the universe
beyond , but we still don't have
the answers to the most basic
questions of
Today I want to
tell you wbere you can find an–
swers to these questions.
For example, do you know why
you're alive? So many people. Jive
life accidentally, without a plan,
with no goal or expectation beyond
pursuing temporary success and se–
curity. Now shouldn't there be a
greater purpose for life?
When you want to know some–
thing about a subject-any sub–
ject- where do you go to get the
answers? You go to the experts,
people who have spent their lives
acquiring knowledge and who
should know the answers.
For example, if you want to
know about rocks, you go toa geol–
ogist. If you want to know about
living things, you ask experts in
biology. You expect people who
have studied these sciences to know
the answers to basic questions
about their subjects.
They may not be able to tell you
everything, but even an amateur
biologist should at least be able to
tell you what a living creature is,
and what it does.
In this century, we have seen a
veritable knowledge explosion in
nearly every field of science. We
are finally getting sorne answers to
the questions that have baffled
scholars and scientists for cen–
Sorne physicists even admit that
there must have been a moment
when the universe was created, ex–
cept they don't like the word
When faced with those fun–
damental questions: How was the
universe created? Who created it?
Why was it created? many are hon–
est enough to reply, "We don't
Let me read to you a candid
statement made by scientist and
Nobel prize winner Sir J ohn Ec–
"Science ... cannot explain the
existence of each of us as a unique
self, nor can it answer such funda–
mental questions as: Who am I?
Why am 1 here? How did 1 come
to be at a certain place and time?
What happens after death? These
are ... mysteries that are beyond
Yes, "mysteries that are beyond
Scientists admit that God and
the knowledge of God and the
meaning of life are issues outside
their realm of expertise. Scientists
deal with what they can learn
through the physical senses, what
can be measured and observed . So
where do you go to find out about
God? Surely to those who should
know- the theologians.
But what happens when we turn
to theology- the science that deals
with the knowledge of God? The
fundamental questions that this
particular science should be able to
answer are surely: Does God exist?
What is God? What does God do?
What are his plans? Why did he
create man? And how does man fit
into those plans? What does God
expect of man?
But you know, it 's surprising
how difficult it is to find some–
body, even a so-called religious ex–
pert, who is able to give you
straightforward and truthful an–
swers to those basic questions.
Today more is being published
in the field of theology than ever
befare. But when you look through
this material for clear, straightfor–
ward answers to fundamental ques–
tions, you come away disappointed.
What you do find is the lan–
guage of scholarship, yet the lack
of salid, conclusive answers.
It seems that the majority of
scholars and theologians- who
surely of all people should know–
have not understood the message of
the Bible.
They go around in circles--al–
ways studying more, but never re–
ally coming to any real understand–
ing. lt is as the apostle Pau l
described, that they are "ever