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understanding, that by my voice 1
might teach others also, than ten
thousand words in an unknown
When 1 speak to an audience in
Japan or sorne other country, 1 al–
ways have an interpreter who will
interpret into the language of that
country, every few words, my mes–
sage in their language. When
speak in this kind of "tongues" 1
speak with understanding, and the
people get the message.
Baptism of the Holy Spirit
This entire modern "Pentecostal"
movement is based on a total mis–
understanding and a deception of
Satan in relation to the true mean–
ing of the baptism of-or, more
correctly, by-the Holy Spirit.
Christ said through the apostle
Paul that by one Spirit are we all
baptized into the one body-the
Cor. 12:13). The word
means "immerse" or
"plunge into."
"Pentecostal" people have been
deceived into thinking that one is
what they caBed "saved" when one
receives Jesus Christ as bis per–
sonal Savior. They consider "the
baptism of the Holy Spirit" evi–
denced by speaking in "tongues" as
a subsequent imbuement of power.
1 have had a great deal of experi–
ence with these people over many
The above explanation . will not
change those already hooked on
tbis deception, but hopefully it will
prevent others from becoming mis–
Jed by this counterfeit emotional
Today's customary gospel
Cbrist contends that simply "be–
lieving on Christ," which is pro–
fessing Cbrist as personal Savior,
means tbat one is already saved.
Yet Mark 7:7-9 shows
even go so far asto worship Christ,
and all in vain because they do not
obey God's commandments-espe–
cially the Sabbath- but follow the
traditions of men by which Satan
has deceived the whole world.
In John 8:30-44 the Jews who
"believed on Christ" but who did
not believe Christ or keep bis com–
mandments were called, by Jesus,
the children of their father the
devil. In 1 John 2:4 it shows that he
who claims to know Christ as Sav-
ior but does not keep his com–
mandments is a liar and the truth
is not in him.
On the original day of Pentecost,
of tbese Jews from other countries,
sorne three thousand were baptized
after a real repentance and belief in
Christ and in bis Word, on that
same day. A day or two later, after
Peter had healed the lifelong crip–
ple" at the gate of the Temple,
2,000 more were baptized. The
new fledgling Cburch grew, not
merely by addition, which God
added to his Church, but by multi–
But this phenomenal growth was
not to continue long at such an
amazing rate of growth.
Remember, these in the Church
were being specially called by God
out of Satan's world. Satan was
sitting on the throne of this earth .
He fought fiendishly to protect bis
reign and upset God's purpose to
redeem mankind. Satan had sought
to kili the Christ-child . Satan tried
desperately to tempt and disqualify
Jesus at age 30. Satan did not give
up, nor has he to this very day. He
now sought to destroy the Church
and if he could not destroy it, at
least counterfeit it and deceive his
world into a false Cbristianity.
merely preaching the acceptance
of Christ as Savior. As apostasy
from Christ's truth gained mo–
mentum, much of the Church was
turning to a different and coun–
terfeit gospel , proclaiming Christ
as Savior, but omi tting entirely
that sin is the transgression of
God's spiritual law, and the good
news of the kingdom of God,
removal of Satan, and restoration
of the government of God over
the earth and the final opening of
salvation to all of humanity, who,
when judged, would repent, be–
lieve and receive eterna! life as
sons of God-as actual God Be–
The apostle Paul wrote in
Corinthians 11:3: "But
fear, Jest
by any means, as the serpent be–
guiled Eve through his subtilty, so
your minds [those in the early
Church] should be corrupted from
the simplicity that is in Christ. For
if he that cometh preacheth an–
other Jesus, whom we · have not
preached, or if ye receive another
spirit, which ye have not received,
or another gospel, which ye have
not accepted, ye might well bear
with him."
Then Paul goes on and describes
the false preachers as stated preví-
At the very outset Sa–
tan moved on Jews to
fight the Church by
denying Jesus as the
prophesied Messiah . At
the first the Church was
almost wholly Jewish.
The unconverted Jews
fought to retain the phys–
ical rituals and animal
sacrifices of the Iaw of
he entire great
commission is a combined
administration and
function of the Church.
Very soon, while the
membership in God's Church was
being multiplied (Acts 6:1 ), there
was a great persecution against the
Church (Acts 8:1) . Members were
scattered abroad throughout
Judea and Samaria, except the
False Gospel Proclaimed
Soon a violent controversy arose
over whether the gospel to be
proclaimed was the gospel of
Christ (which was Jesus' gospel
or good news about the kingdom
of God) or whether they should
preach a gospel
ously, that were coming in and
changing the gospel of Christ rigbt
at tbat time.
Then we turn next to Galatians
1:6-7. Paul wrote: "1 marvel that
ye are so soon removed from bim
that called you [you had to be
called to become a member of the
Church- no one can come to
Christ, except those that are
called] into the grace of Christ
unto another gospel: which is not
another; but tbere be sorne that
trouble you, and would pervert the
gospel of Christ." The gospel of
Christ was the message about the