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The U.S. and
This article is from the script of a recent telecast
David Hulme.
to World War 11,
the American and
British peoples had ac–
quired more than two
thirds of the cultivated re–
sources and wealth of the
world . Yet astonishingly,
they acquired nearly all of it,
rather suddenly, since the
year 1800.
Never in aJI history did any–
thing like this occur.
What's even more surprising is
that we are witnessing the rapid
decline of this national greatness.
In the case of Britain, it's diminish–
ing even faster than it developed .
There's a reason! And it's all
bound up with the history of the
people of the Holy Bible.
The Holy Bible is a book of the
history and origins of all people,
but principally it concerns the peo–
ple of Israel and their descendants
Now when 1 say Israel, 1 don't
only mean the State of Israel today.
They are Israel, of course. But they
are not all of Israel. Specifically,
they are the descendants of one of
the tribes of Israei-Judah, or the
Jewis h peop le. But there were
twelve tribes of ancient Israel.
Where are
descendants today?
That's one ofthe best-kept secrets of
all time. And what bearing can this
possibly have on present-day nations
and current events?
Many prophecies concerning our
July/ Auguat 1986
time now are written about Israel,
not about Judah alone. If you apply
all the prophecies about Israel to
the State of Israel today, then
you'll get a wrong picture.
Abram- now called Abraham–
they are only one nation, not many
Where are all the other
nations springing from the ancient
twelve tribes of Israel?
The control room at tbe Ambassador television studios, as David Hulme records
a program in the new
World Tomorrow
When Abram, the grandfather
of Jacob (whose name was later
changed to Israel) , was 99 years
old, God again made a promise to
him, found in Genesis
promise is expanded to include na–
tions and kings in verse 6. We read
" 1
will make you exceedingly
fruitful; and 1 will make nations of
you, and kings [more than one,
notice] shall come from you."
So we see that the Jewish people
are not the
descendants of
Abraham's descendants were to
possess the gates of their enemies
(Gen. 22:
Now a gate is a nar–
row passage, an entrance or an exit.
Nationally, such a gate would be a
strategic choke point like the Suez
Canal, or the Panama Canal, the
Straits of Gibraltar, or Singapore.
Abraham had a son Isaac. This
promise of national greatness was
reconfirmed to Isaac's wife Re–
bekah, in Genesis 24:60.
The promises of g reat nations