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is sent to all lay members,
ministers a nd near-member co–
workers. And finally, the Pastor
General sends out monthly a Co–
Worker letter to all members and
co-workers reporting on progress in
tbe work, current activities and
And we must not overlook a very
important department , the Bible
Correspondence Course, sent free
on enrollment to Jay members, and
the public, giving monthly lessons
in-depth of basic subjects covered
by the Bible.
The author 's personal travels to
all parts of the world representing
Christ's message personally before
kings, emperors, presidents, prime
ministers and leaders under them
in numerous nations perhaps ought
to be mentioned .
Al! this is a well-organized oper–
ation carrying out the PURPOSE of
the Church: 1) proclaiming the
coming kingdom of God to the
world and 2) feeding the flock.
The " loner" - the " individual
Christian," who wants to climb up
into the kingdom of God sorne
other way than by C HRIST a nd HIS
WAY through his CHURCH- ÍS not
being trained in CHRIST'S MANNER
OF TRAINING, to rule a nd reign
with Christ in his kingdom!
" Individual Chrlstlans' '–
Now what about the " prívate," or
"individual Christian," who says,
" 1 don ' t want to be a part of the
Church- 1 want to seek my salva–
tion direct and alone with Jesus
Christ. "
The answer is this: God himself
laid out the plan and the method
by which humans may be, after
begettal, trained and prepared to
become part of the divine person–
nel of born Goo BEINGS that shall
form the KINGDOM OF Goo!
The kingdom of God will be the
Goo FAMI LY- a s upe rbl y and
highly trained and organized fam–
ily of Goo BEINGS. The Church is
God's special school for training
tbose he has selected and caBed to
be trained in his Church- to be
kings and priests, to rule and to
teach- for their part in that king–
dom. Only those so trained in the
Church will be kings and priests in
the kingdom of God .
The person who says "1 will get
my salvation alone, outside of the
Church" is totally deceived. This is
not the time when salvation is
opened to those in Satan's world.
Those called now, I repeat emphat–
ically, are NOT CALLEO just for sal–
vation. They are called for a special
training . provided only in God' s
Those in Satan's world cannot
train themselves outside of the
Church for the special calling of
being rulers and teachers in God's
kingdom '?'hen Satan is removed
and the world has become God's
The Church is ORGANJZED on
Goo·s pattern of mutual teamwork
and cooperation to function per–
fectly t.ogether. They shall become
the Goo FAMILY as it shall exist at
the time of Christ's Second Com–
ing. Remember God
that divine
Take an analogy from Satan's
world. A football player says: " 1
want to play in all of the games,
I don' t want to
be part of the TEAM until the
games start." Would the coach Jet
him be part of the team in the
games , without having learned
TEAMWORK during practice sea–
son? Neither will God Jet one INTO
his family at the resurrection who
refused to be part of it now- in the
CHURCH-in the spiritual "train–
ing season."
To those chosen to be apostles in
the start of the CHURCH, Jesus
said, speaking of the CHURCH:
"1 am the vine, ye are the
branches." Those not joined with
others of the branches, all joined to
the main vine, were NO PART OF
THE CHURCH, and God the father
will cast them away as DEAD
BRANCHES. THE LIFE (spirit life im–
pregnated now) is received along
with all otber "branches" from the
main vine-Christ, the Head of the
What about one who has been IN
Christ's "spiritual soov"-the
Church- and is PUT OUT for cause
(causing division or rebellion or op–
position to Church government)?
The CHURCH is like a human
mother who is pregnant.
there is
an abortion, the HUMAN LIFE de–
parts totally from the fetus. There
is, however, perhaps one difference
in this analogy. A human who goes
out, or is put out of God's Church,
could, on repentance and renewed
belief, be admitted back into the
body again.
What About the World's Churches?
What about the millions of mem–
bers of other religions?
SATAN is the great counterfeiter.
Satan has his churches, his reli–
gions, and his ministers in those
religions and churches (11 Cor.
11 :13-15) . What about the millions
of people in traditional established
"Christian" churches? In the book
of Revelation, the TRUE Church is
pictured in the 12th chapter as the
persecuted "little flock," many
martyred- put to death for their
faith- having to flee for safety
from persecution, torture and
death. In chapter 17 is pictured the
big, politically and worldly power–
ful churches, headed by "mother"
"Babylon the great, the inother of
harlots and abominations of the
earth" (verse 5). In other words,
the ancient "Babylonian Mystery"
religion, out of whom have gone
daughter churches in protest. This
politically g reat church was the
persecutor of "the saints" (verse
6) . This false church, politically
great, sits astride a "beast" pic–
tured in chapter 13 as a govern–
ment ruling by power of "the
dragon" who (Rev. 12:9) is Satan
the devil.
This is shocking, but plainly re–
vealed in God's Word!
What about those, in such
churches, who profess being "born–
again Christians"? They are DE–
CEIVED! They may be ever so sin–
cere. They do not know they are
deceived and wrong in their beliefs.
But they are not now being judged!
They are neither condemned to the
lake of fire nor "saved." They are
among the WHOLE WORLD, swayed
by the deceptions of Satan, CUT
OFF from God!
must be repeated-they shall
have their eyes opened to God's
TRUTH if still living after Christ
comes and Satan is removed-or, if
dead before then, resurrected and
cal led to truth and salvation in the
Great White Tbrone Judgment
resurrection (Rev. 20:11-12).
Ves, the whole world is DE–
(Continued on page 21)