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38. Togarmah, in part, settled an–
cient Armenia. Descendants of
Togarmah also migrated eastward
into Mongolia, where they are to–
day found mixed with elements of
Magog. Togarmah's modern-day
descendants are also found in
China's Xinkiang province and in
Russian Siberia or Tartary.
Ezekiel, however, speaks specifi–
cally of Togarmah "in the utter–
most parts of the north" (38:6,
This is a clear refer–
ence to the
But what of Southeast Asia?
The modern-day nations of this
region are of the southern Mon–
goloid racial group. These nations
are primarily Japhetic in descent,
of the line of Gomer and, farther
east, of Javan . Here communism
has already deeply penetrated.
Vietnam is already a communist
nation in the Soviet fold. After
sorne two decades of fighting, the
American-backed government of
South Vietnam surrendered to So–
viet-supported North Vietnamese
forces in the spring of 1975. Viet–
nam was officially reunited as a
communist state in July 1976.
The government of neighboring
Laos is an ally of Vietnam and the
Soviet Union. Nearby Cambodia
(Kampuchea) has been dominated
by Vietnam since 1979.
Continuing Vietnamese mi litary
activity within Cambodia poses a
potential threat to the security of
Thailand to the north and west.
Malaysia also sees a potential mili–
tary menace from expansionist
Vietnam. Adding to the uncer–
tainty, small bands of communist
guerrillas continue to roam the
Thai-Malaysia border area.
In Burma, militar ily active com–
munist guerrillas are challenging
the government in Rangoon. In In–
donesia and the Philippines too,
communist ·insurgency occasionally
assails the authority of the central
Most of Southeast Asia will un–
doubtedly find it d ifficult to with–
stand incessant communist pres–
sure. Ultimately, prophecy reveals,
the region will be forced into coop–
erating with the Soviet Union and
her allies.
"1 Am Agalnat You!"
As we have seen, the coming
July/ Auau•t 1986
Eurasian confederacy will devas–
tate much of Western Europe. Af–
ter Christ decimales the armies of
all nations gathered at Armaged–
don, Gog will assemble a large
army from among his surviving
Eurasian forces. That army will at–
tempt to impose its ideology on a
restored Israel. But it will not suc–
"Behold, 1 am against you, O
Gog!" God declares (Ezek. 38:3).
The fate of his armies is vividly por–
trayed: "You shall fall on the moun–
tains of Israel, you and all your
troops, and the peoples who are with
you; I shall give you as food to every
kind of predatory bird and beast of
the field" (Ezek. 39:4,
The people of Israel willlabor seven
months burying the millions of
Gog's dead (39: 12). The survivors
will know that God rules.
The demise of Gog and his allies
will furnish a powerful witness to
the nations of the world...And
shal l set My glory among the na–
tions; and all the nations will see
My judgment which 1 have exe–
cuted," God declares (39:21,
The people of Israel will utterly
destroy the weapons carried by
Gog's army (39:9-l 0). With the
power of Gog irretrievably broken,
the nations of the world will at last
submit to the government of God.
Peace will finally become reality.
..And they shall beat their swords
into plowshares, and their spears
into pruninghooks: nation shall not
lift up sword against nation, nei–
ther shall they learn war any more"
(Mic. 4:3; Isa. 2:4).
South Asia-and the world–
will at last know true peace! o
Where dld he come from? Dld God create
him? lf not, how did he come to be? These
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