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More than one third of -
the Bible is prophecy–
most of it for
Puzzled geopolitical an- _
alysts wonder what will
happen next in the
volatile South Asia re–
gion. They simply do not -
know what ultimately will
become of Iran, of
Afghanistan, Pakistan,
India and adjoining na–
tions. But you can know!
Astounding Prophecies
International attention con–
tinues to be riveted on tur-
bulent South Asia. That vast re–
from the Persian
Gulf to the South China Sea- is in
a precarious state of ferment and
Yet how roan
know that the
future of the peoples of the vast
South Asia region was recorded
millennia ago in the pages of the
Bible? The stage is now set for the
unfolding of an astounding se–
quence of Bible prophecies.
Turn, first, to the book of Reve–
lation. Here is revealed a great
end-time political ruler referred to
as the "beast" (chapter 17). The
beast will be a superdictator over a
coming European confederation of
nations- a rebirth of the Ro–
roan Empire. This European power
will eventually establish its capital
and religious headquarters at
Jerusalem (Dan. ll :45).
Daniel says that this European
conqueror will become troubled by
"tidings out of the east and out of
the north" (11 :44). There can be
little doubt about the source of the
beast's trouble. East and north of
Palestine are Russia, China and
other nations of the vast Asían con–
The clear implication of this
verse is that a great Eurasian al–
liance will ultimately arise at or
near the end of the Great Tribula–
tion (mentioned by Daniel in chap-
July/August 1986
Keith W. Stump
Bible prophecy reveals the startling future of the
nations and peoples on the outer rim of Asia!
ter 12 and in Matthew 24:21) and
will enter into a confrontation with
the restored Roman Empire. Much
of Asia will eventually be mar–
shaled into a great end-time, com–
munist-dominated confederacy–
encompassing . nearly
one half
the earth's population!
These atheist-led Asían armies
are also described in Ezekiel, chap–
ters 38 and 39, where elements of
those forces are prophesied to in–
vade the Holy Land when all 12
tribes of Israel have returned.
Misunderstood Prophecy
Sorne Bible scholars assert falsely
that these prophecies of Ezekiel
were fulfilled anciently. They
never were. Others believe they are
about to occur- but sorne years
Armageddon. Both views are
The events of Ezekiel 38 and 39
are witbout question still future–
for the "latter days" (38: 16) and
"latter years" (38:8). Moreover,
Ezekiel 38:14 describes the time
setting as being "in that day when
my people of Israel dwelleth
safely." This is certainly not the
situation in the State of Israel to–
day! The Israel described by
Ezekiel is a nation that dwells in
security, in
unwalled vi/lages,
totally unprepared for war (38:8,
11, 14). Read it for yourself! These
circumstances will be extant only
the coming of the Messiah,
when surviving Eurasian forces will
be supernaturally punished.
Asian alliances, however, will be–
gin taking shape well in advance–
and are
even now
beginning to
move into their prophesied end–
time configuration!
Table of Nations
Tbe composition of the army that
will come against the restored 12
tribes of Israel is clearly defined:
The account begins in Ezekiel
38:1-2: "And the word of the Lord
carne to me: Son of man, set your
face against Gog, of tbe land of
Magog, the prince of Rosh, of
Meshech, and Tuba!, and prophesy
against him"
(The Amplified
Here is a great power that will
challenge the very rule of Cbrist!
Ezekiel reveaJs that joined witb
Magog, Rosh, Meshech and Tubal
in this confederacy will be Persia,
Cush, Phut (incorrectly rendered
"Libya" in the
Authorized Ver–
Gomer and Togarmah (see
verses 5-6).
Who are these peoples today?
And what do these prophecies have
to do with the future of South
With the exception of Persia, the
names mentioned by Ezekiel are