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ovum, finds its way to and joins with
This imparts
life-to the ovum.
But it is not yet a born human
being. Human life has merely been
For the first four months
it is called an
After that,
until birth it is called a
fe tus.
human life starts very small-the
an "egg" or "ovum." In this spiri–
tual ovum is a nucleus, the human
mind with its human spirit. This
spiritual "ovum" has a very limited
life span, of
ETERNAL LIFE-an average of sorne
70 years. But spiritual,
life may be imparted
by the entrance into it of the HoLY
SPIRIT, which comes
from the very Person of
Goo the Father. This
divine Spirit of Goo joins
converted person is a
totally changed, or converted
in which the very
mind of God is joined with
the human mind.
with the nucleus of the
human ovum, which is
the human spirit and
mind, and imparts to us
also the
divine nature
Pet. 1:4). Heretofore we
have had only human,
fleshly or carnal nature.
As the human sperm
size of a tiny pin point- and the
sperm that generates it is the
cell in a human body!
Once begotten, it must
be fed
and nourished by physical food
from the ground, through the
mother. From this physical nour–
ishment it must grow, and
and GROW-until physically large
enough to be born- after nine
months. As it grows, the
organs and characteristics gradual–
ly are formed. Soon a spinal col–
umn forms. A heart forms and
begins to beat. Other interna!
organs form. Then, gradually, a
body, ·a head, legs, arms. Finally
hair begins to grow on the head,
fingernails and toenails develop–
facial features gradually shape up.
By nine months the average normal
fetus has grown to a weight of
approximately six to nine pounds,
and is ready to be born.
A human has to be BEGOTTEN by
his human father. To be born
of the Spirit-of Goo-one must
first be begotten by the SPIRITUAL
FATHER- Almighty God.
The Amazing Comparison
Now see how HUMAN begettal,
period of gestation, and birth is tbe
astounding identical TYPE of spiri–
tual salvation- being born of
God- being given eterna! life in
the kingdom of God-the God
family into which we may be
Each adult human is, spiritually,
June 1986
cell is the very
al! human cells, even so, many newly
begotten Christians start out with a
measure of God's Holy
Spirit and character. Many may still
be, at first, about 99.44 percent car–
nal! Apparently those in the Church
of God at Corinth were (ICor. 3:1-
3). The apostle Paul said he still had
to feed them on the spiritual
not yet adult spiritual "food." They
cert ainly were not yet "BORN
Now, as the physical male sperm
finds its way to, and unites with the
in the ovum, so God's Spirit
enters and combines with the human
spirit and MINO! There is, as
explained before, a
This human spirit has combined
with the brain to form human MINO.
God's Spirit unites with, and wit–
nesses with
spirit that we are,
now, the chi ldren of Goo (Rom.
8:16). And God's Holy Spirit, now
combined with our human spirit in
our MINO, imparts to our mind power
to comprehend SPIRITUAL KNOWL–
Cor. 2:11)-which the car–
nal mind cannot grasp.
Now we have the presence of
ETERNAL LIFE-God-life-through
God's Spirit. In like manner the
human embryo was an actu al
human life as yet undeveloped. But
we are not yet immortal spirit
beings- not yet BORN of God- just
as the human ovum was not yet
born of its human parents-not yet
inheritors, and possessors, but
physical HEIRS (Roro. 8:17). But
God's Holy Spirit dwells in us, God
will, at the resurrection, "quicken"
to immortality our mortal bodies
bis Spirit that "dwelleth in us"
(Rom. 8:11; ICor. 15:49-53).
Now we see how the astonishing
analogy continues!
As yet we are not
beings. We are not yet
spirit, but of physical matter. The
divine life has merely been begot–
ten. This divine CHARACTER starts
so very small it is doubtful if much
of it is in evidence- except for the
glow of that ecstasy of spiritual
"romance" tbat we may radiate in
that "first love" of conversion–
spiritually speaking. But so far as
spiritual KNOWLEDGE and devel–
oped spiritual CHARACTER goes,
there is not much, as yet.
The Spiritual Embryo
So now, once spiritually begotten,
we are merely a spiritual embryo.
Now we must be fed and nourished
on SPIRITUAL food! Jesus said man
shall not live by bread (physical
OF Goo (spiritual food)! Tliis we
drink in from the Bible! But we
drink in this spiritual knowledge
and character, also, through per–
sonal, intimate, continuous contact
with God through PRAYER, and
through Christian fellowship with
God's chi ldren in his Church. And
also by the continua! teaching
imparted by the Church.
Now the
embryo and
fetus is fed physically through the
mother. God's CHURCH is called
"which is the
MOTHER OF US ALL" (Gal. 4:26).
Notice the exact parallel! The
CHURCH is the spiritual MOTHER
OF ITS MEMBERS. God has set his
called and chosen ministers in his
Church to FEEO THE FLOCK-"for
the perfecting
of the saints, for the
work of the ministry, for the edify- .
ing of the body [CHURCH] of
Christ: TILL WE al! come in tbe
unity of the faith, and of
of the Son of God, unto
a perfect man, unto the measure of
the stature of the fulness of Christ"
(Eph. 4:11-13).
It is the duty of Christ's TRUE
ministers (and
how scarce today)
to PROTECT the begotten but yet
unborn saints from false doctrines,
from false ministers. The HUMAN