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Personal from...
What is the most universal erroneous and false belief and teaching-that has caused the world's
evils, troubles, sufferings and sorrows?
ifty-three years ago
said to my wife, "All these
churches can't be wrong!"
Well , could one single denomination of
traditional Christianity-whether Protestant or
Catholic- be wrong in its teaching on some one point?
Thcy do teach dilferently on many or most points of
doctrine and belief, so some, if not most, must definitely
be in error on some teachings here and there.
But if some, or most, are mistaken in some beliefs
here and thcre, could it be possible that a ll of traditional
Christianity today could be in error, misled, or deceived
unintentionally on some major point of universal belief?
Now perhaps many people do not believe in the
existence of a devil any more.
Yct your Bible says the whole world {including its
religions) has been deceived by Satan the devil
The inhabitants of the earth have
been deceived by him through deceived religion
But your Bible also says the time is coming when God
Almighty shall send an angel from heaven, "and [lay]
hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil,
and Satan, and [bind) him a thousand years, and cast
him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a
seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no
more, till the thousand years [shall be] fulfilled"
(Rcvelation 20:
Just who is this Satan? Where did he come from? Oíd
God create a devil to deceive us? He is a former
archangel, who was perfect in all his ways as God
created him (Ezekiel 28:
But he had a mind, and
free moral agency with the right of free choice-forming
his own decisions- just as God has givcn you and me
and all humans that same free moral agency. Otherwise
we could have no character.
This great archangel was named Lucifer, and God set
him on the throne of the whole earth to administer the
govcrnment of God over angels which inhabited the
earth prior to the creation of man.
But this powerful Lucifer turned his angels into
rebcllion against God (11 Peter 2:4-6).
But now could it be possible, in such a Satan-deceived
world, that ALL denominations of traditional Christianity
couJd be deceived-NOT KNOWING IT- Ínto a WRONG
BELIEF on a most important BASI C belief and teaching?
Sounds preposterous-IMPOSSJBLE?
Wait till you see the FACTS of what has happened,
st raight from the infallible WORD OF Goo HIMSELF!
Consider what you never saw, heard of, or understood
before! Open your mind to PROVEO TRUTH- astonishing
though it may be.
It might seem incredulous- yet it is TRUE!
That most widely accepted, universally believed error
is the 'leaching that God is now trying desperately to GET
now, is the o Lv day of salvation. That Satan is trying
to keep everybody "lost"- and that all who do not
accept- receive Christ NOW in our time, will be
"LOST"--condemned to an eternity in hellfire. And time
is about up-soon it will be too late-soon probation will
The sole SOURCE of truth is Goo. He has given us H1s
WoRo. In it He tells us
this, now, is the only
day of salvation-or even the time of salvatiÓn for all
who are willing. He
us whether those who do not
now accept Christ are "los
To understand we must go
to the beginning, and
open our eyes to wbat Goo reveals from that time up
until ow, and even into the future. But our minds must
be open or the shocking TRUTH cannot enter.
Jesus said: "No man CAN come to me, except the
Father which sent me draw him." That says all are SHUT
OFF- unable
to come to Christ, except those whom the
Father has predestined to be called NOW!
ls that UNFAI Ron God's part? Are you sure you
UNDERSTAND WHY Jesus said that- WHYGod CUt ALL
HUMANITY off from Him and from access to Him, up to
now-except the VERY few God has predestined to be
called ow? WHv God "hides Himselr' from the
all started with Adam in the Garden of Eden.
Now see if you can understand
(Continued on page 44)