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program of eventual self-depen–
dence. That is God's way to chal–
lenge many to action. This needed
approach- that assistance is de–
signed to help them toward inde–
pendence-is too often lacking in
welfare in this world that is cut off
from the knowledge of God's way.
What can mothers do today? A
three-point plan of preparation ,
participation and separation from
the system would change the lives
of many.
While they have small children
and need to be at home with them,
mothers could complete correspon–
dence courses. As the chi ldren get
older the mothers could attend
classroom training.
Involvement in preparation and
training will have the additional
benefit of giving mother a positive
attitude toward herself and her
children. A mother is inspired by
the fact that she is in control of her
life, knows she can go to God for
help, and is able to do something
positive to change it. And most
important, she will begin separat–
ing herself from the life-style that
surrounds her . She will begin to
see that there is hope for a better
life. She will know that she can
escape from the slavery of the
ghetto and its cruel slave masters
(crime, drugs, poverty) just as the
Harriet Tubmans of American
slavery did before her.
Mothers wi ll be building t he
road to success down which thei r
chi ldren will follow. A few pro–
grams like these exist now- but
there needs to be more.
Teach the Chlldren
Mother must expend energy and
time to shape a child's character
and mind . She needs to instill early
in her young chi ldren a desire to
learn, a desi re to acquire t rue spir–
itual values of proper conduct, re–
spect for others, learning to sit qui–
etly and listen. There are library
books available giving instructions
on how to teach young children.
Once t his is accomplished, t he
child needs to be stimulated to
achieve in school.
Let 's face it, the subcul ture of
the ghetto is anti-school and anti–
learning. lt's "cool" to drop out of
school and hang out on the corner.
It's not reading, writing, arithmetic
Author Earl H. Williams witb bis
t.bree cbildren-Eric, Earl and
Karen- and bis wife, Katrina Teresa.
OriginaDy from San Antonio, Texas,
Mr. Williams majored in computer
science. His wife has a B.S. in
elementary education from
Fayetteville State University, Nortb
Carolina. He is an ordained minister
of the Worldwide Church of God
and serves in the New York City
metropolitan area.
that gets you ahead- it's hustling,
pimping and stealing that gets you
ahead in the ghetto.
Teachers, too, have a responsibil–
ity. They must help students to see
that the way of the streets is the
way of death! Children must see
that street life is no life at all.
Sorne schools make an effort to
accomplish this but much more
In addition, students must be
shown that school works. They
must see how applying themselves
in school pays off now and in the
future. They need constant encour–
agement and motivation by teach–
ers, administrators and parents to
keep them on the right track. They
need to be shown that they can do
it-they can succeed! Laws of suc–
cess such as goals, resourcefulness,
perseverance and , above all, the
guidance and help of God need to
be constantly s tressed . (Wr ite for
our free booklet
The Seven Laws
of Success
that makes it all clear.)
Parents' input with the schools
can help ensure that the school
currículum is relevant and practica!
to the context of children's lives.
Specialized practica! training
that will prepare them for responsi–
bility as well as jobs must be
stressed. They must be equipped to
succeed at work in the mainst ream
of society.
Splrltual Maturlty
In the past, the black church pro–
vided inspi ration and hope to st rive
for a better life. During slavery,
slaves sang songs about freedom
from " Pharaoh" (the slave master)
and , crossing over the " River Jor–
dan" to the " Promised Land"
(fleeing north to freedom and pros-
perity). That old-time religion and
its songs provided hope and inspi–
rat ion for that time, but it has not
stood the test of time. It was
but not lasting aid .
takes more than emotional in–
spiration to save a people.
more than hope of a better life.
takes the developing of a people's
character a nd mind-and that
takes teaching a way of life. Chris–
tianity is supposed to be a way of
life that affects every facet of your
life every day of your life.
The truth is, "My people are
destroyed for lack of knowledge"
( Hos. 4:6,
Revised Authorized
throughout). Knowledge
not only of how to make a living
(which we need) but more impor–
tant, how to live.
This magazine for more than 50
years has explained that obedience
to the supreme spiritual law of God
is the way to true freedom and
success. l f God's laws were taught
and obeyed, every problem of the
ghetto-and outside the ghetto–
would be solved.
Take the problem of motivating
people to work and providing them
for a time of rest for spiri tual reju–
venation. God said in the fourth
commandment: "Six days you shall
and do all your work, but the
seventh day is the Sabbath of the
Lord your God ..." (Ex. 20:9-
10) . How many do what this com–
mandment says? The eighth com–
mandmen t would guarantee that
the work would be honest- no
more ·mugging and robbing. God
says, "You shall not steal" (Ex.
The escalati ng, unbelievable
statistics of black men murdered at
(Continued on page 26)