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also to Hebrews 13:20: "Now may
the God of peace who brought
again from the dead our Lord Je–
sus, the great
of the
sheep...." Compare this text with
1 Peter 2:25, which says, "For you
were straying like sheep, but have
now returned to the
G uardian of your souls." We also
read: "Tend the flock of God that
is your charge, not by constraint
but willingly, not for shameful gain
but eagerly, not as domineering
over those in your charge but being
examples to the flock. And when
the chief
is manifested
you will obtain the unfading crown
of glory" (1 Pet. 5:2-4).
l t is Jesus Christ who is coming
again in person as King of kings to
rule, and to restare. In Revelat ion
19:13 John writes, " He is ciad in a
robe dipped in blood, and thc name
by which he is called is The Word
of God." "From his mouth issues a
sharp sword with which to smite
the nations, and he will rule them
with a rod of iron ; he will tread the
wine press of the fury of the wrath
of God the Almighty" (verse 15) .
And again in Revelation , 17: 14,
John writes, "They will make war
on the La mb, and the Lamb
[Christ] will conquer them, for he
is Lord of lords and King of kings,
and those with him are called and
chosen and faithful."
The Grcat Shepherd who is
coming to rule as King over all
kings is
"And yc my
flock, thc flock of my pasture, are
men, and I am you r God, saith the
or Christ,
the Shepherd whose flock is Israel!
(See Ezekiel 34: ll , 30-31,
rized Version.)
Now notice Isaiah 2:2-4 and
Micah 4: 1-4, AV.
shall come to
pass ... that the mountain [king–
dom] of the Lord's
house shall be established in the
top of the mountains [k i ng–
doms]"- ruling the world. " And
he [
shall judge
among the nations, and shall re–
buke many people," and then they
shall have
In almost every Old Testament
passage (Psalm 110:1 is an excep–
tion), the Lord
)- the
Eternal- is Jesus Christ. Clearly,
Jesus is the God of the Old Testa–
(Continued from page 6)
brought them again from the peo–
ple, and gathered them out of their
enemies' lands, and am sanctified
in them in the sight of many na–
tions; then shall they
that 1
am the Lord their God ..." (Ezek.
39:25, 27-28)!
Notice again! At Christ's Sec–
ond Coming, he shaJI gather the
l 0-tribed House of Js rael-our
British and American people-out
of our enemies' lands, not out of
our own land of wealth and power,
North America and the British
l sles.
But by then, we shall be thor–
oughly chastened . We shall have
learned our lesson. We shall live by
God's rules, and obey his law. " .. .
for I have poured out my spirit
upon the house of Israel, saith the
Lord God" (verse 29).
And then, beginning chapter 40,
the rema inder of the book of
Ezekiel reveals the ideal theoc–
racy-God's new arder of divine
government upon earth-the per–
manent forms and institutions that
shall express the ideal relation be–
tween God and man.
In the meantime, our job is to
Ameri ca a nd Brita in and
many other nations of what líes
ahead. To shout the warning to
come out of Babylon (Rev. 18:4),
that those who heed may find God
now- may
come under his divine
protection (Ps. 91 ), and by a true
Spirit- filled life obedient to God's
ways and laws, be prepared to be–
come a rul e r o r a teac her in
Christ's soon-coming glorious
a coming
government that
World Peace- How
Wi/1 Come
explains it in
detail. For a free copy,
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