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(Continued from page 7)
not the gospel OF Christ. Read. that
again. To this very day, nearly aJI
churches and evangelists preach
their own gospel ABOUT Christ, but
not the gospel OF Christ about the
coming kingdom of God to rule the
For 1,900 years tradi.tional
Christianity has failed to preach
about Jesus as coming KING and
world ruler in the coming kingdom
of God to replace Satan on the
throne of the whole earth. A FALSE
GOSPEL has been universally pro–
Now with all this in mind, re–
turn to Jesus' prophecy in
Matthew 24. He was warning his
own disciples about false prophets
coming in bis name saying he, Je–
sus, was the Christ, and deceiving
the MANY-not the few, but the
MANY. That started in the very
first century soon after the church
was founded and has continued to
this very day.
is true almost
universally in a professed Chris–
tianity to this minute.
True Gospel Withheld 1,900 Years
But in January 1934, Jesus Christ
began proclaiming through me for
the first time in 1,900 years the
true gospel of the kingdom of God.
t spread coast to coast across the
United States and Canada. Nine–
teen years later, January 1953, that
gospel went out on the world's
mos( powerful radio station, Radio
Luxembourg, to all Europe and
Britain, and almost immediately af–
ter that on other radio stations in
Taiwan, on Raqio Ceylon, on Ra–
dio Monte Cario, and on stations in
South America and elsewhere.
Soon it was going to Australia,
New Zealand and many other parts
of the world .
And now, at last, we can say that
gospel has gone into every nation
on earth.
Now proceed with Jesus'
prophecy, Matthew 24:5. Jesus
had said many would come in his
name pretending to be his minis–
ters, yet deceiving the many. That
did happen in their 1ifetime in the
first century and has continued
even since our program went on
the air in 1934, and the same
gospel Jesus and the apostles
preached began going out in the
Plain Truth
magazine, which now
has reached into every nation on
earth with a circulation of more
than eight million households ev–
ery issue. Notice, now, what Jesus
·said in verse 6: "And · ye shall
hear of wars and rumours of
wars: see that ye be not troubled:
for all these things must come to
pass, but the end is not
other words, the end of the world
was not yet in their lifetime. Con–
tinuing, in verse 7, "For nation
shall rise against nation, and king–
dom against kingdom: and there
shall be famines, and pestilences,
and earthq uakes , in divers
places. " Verse 8, "AII these are
the beginning of sorrows."
All these things have continued
from the 'first century. Verse 9,
"Then shall they deliver you up to
be afflicted, and shall kili you. ..."
These things did happen to those
very disciples. Most or all of the
apostles were martyred except the
apostle John.
The Slgn of the "End of the World"
Then in verse 14 Jesus comes to
answer his disciples' second ques–
tion: " ... and what shall be the
sign of thy coming, and of the end
of the world?" (verse 3). In verse
14 he answered that question, Je–
sus himself knowing it would not
happen until sorne 1,900 years
later. Here is Jesus' own answer to
when the end of the world would
"And this gospel of the kingdom
shall be preached in all the world
for a witness unto all nations; and
then shall the end come." That
gospel was not preached to the
world from about the middle of the
first century until near the middle
of the twentieth century.
Jesus was speaking, not of the
end of the earth's existence, but of
the end of this world-this age–
this present civilization in a world
ruled by Satan, who still sits on the
throne of the whole earth. How–
ever, remember Satan sits on that
throne only because God allows it.
But God shows us in Bible prophe–
cies, not the date or the year, but
the approximate time when he will
send Jesus Christ to end this
Basic Law of Coming World
At that time, Jesus Christ will
come in all the supreme power and
glory of God to sit on earth's
throne and rule over all nations. He
will then set up the kingdom of
God, which will be the governll)ent
of God (not of Satan) in the hands
of the born family of God under
Christ, ruling all nations with the
government of God .
All governments are based on
foundational laws. The founda–
tional law of the government of
God over the whole world will be
the law of God. That law may be
expressed in the one word "LOVE."
Jesus magnified that law to mean
!ove toward God and !ove toward
neighbor. This, in t.urn, was magni–
fied by the Ten Commandments–
the first four giving four broad
principies defining !ove toward
God, the last six commandments
defining in broad principies !ove
toward neighbors.
This very work of God is one of
the evidences that the end of this
world of Satan and civilization as
we know it is very near its end.
The Great Tribulation
In these days, after the proclaiming
of the gospel of the kingdom of
God, " ... shall be great tribula–
tion, such as was not since the be–
ginning of the world to this time,
no, nor ever shall be. And except
those days should be shortened,
there should no flesh be saved
[alive] : but for the elect's sake
those days shall be shortened"
(Matt. 24:21-22).
Many other scriptures show that
conditions will become more
frightful than ever befare or ever
shall be again on earth. Such con–
ditions are rapidly escalating at this
moment. Person is against person,
even within a large proportion of
families . Group is against group.
Nation is against nation. Violence
is escalating as never befare in his–
tory. Terrorism is throwing fear
and consternation into people all
over the world.
Apostle Paul's Warning
Truly we have come to the time
warned of by the apostle Paul, in
Timothy 3: "This know also, that