1n the plagues God caused
against Egypt, God was turning the
Egyptian gods and objects of wor–
ship against them to show them
that these were
gods. Even the
plagues were sent in LOVE for the
The final pfague followed the
sacrifice of the Passover on the
14th day of the first month of
God's sacred calendar-starting in
the spring. The lsraelites went out
of Egypt during the night part of
the 15th. They reached the Red
Sea. But pharaoh had meanwhite
changed his mind and, with his
army, pursued them.
The chi ldren of I srael had
reached the Red Sea, and they
were slopped as if dead. There was
no bridge.
was too far to swim,
with their women and children.
Behind them the pharaoh's army
was in hot pursuit. There was nolh–
ing they could do. They were
stopped- HELPLEss! At that point
they had lo rely on Goo!
In Egypt God had caused their
release from stavery by a series of
supernatural plagues. Now God
caused the waters of the Red Sea to
roll back lo form a watery wALL on
either side, with a wide path on tbe
dry seafloor between.
The lsraelites walked on
through. On t be opposite side tbey
looked back and saw the Egyptians
entering tbe seaftoor path. When
the Egyptians were all witbin the
seawall passage, God allowed lbe
waters to flow back, drowning the
Egyplian army.
In due time the Israelites pitched
tents at the foot of Mount Sinai.
God did not make lhem his
nation, under bis theocratic rule,
without their consent.
Through Moses, God put to
them his proposition. If they would
obey bis laws of HIS GOVERNMENT,
he would prosper them, and make
.them the wealthiest and most
powerful of nations.
Yet God's birthright PROMISES
were of a national and material
nature-no spiritual salvation.
The people agreed. Thus they
became God's chosen nation. BuT
This we know: God's purpose for
them had a definite relation to pre-
March 1986
paring for the ultimate KING–
GOD- when the oov–
ERNMENT OF Goo would be re–
established over aH the earth, and
spiritual salvation would be offered
tists today, they were saying, "Give
us sufficient knowledge, and we will
solve all problems al)d eradicate all
evils- we will create utopía!"
Undoubtedly, one reason was to
preserve the original physical strain
of Shem's tine. But there was much
Nations had developed knowl–
edge. Mankind was limited, after
Adam's rebellion, to the acquisition
of physical and material knowledge.
Up to lhal time, mankind had
been denied spi ri tual knowledge and
fulfillment from God. God now
decided to give them knowledge of
his law- his kind of government–
his way of /ife!
He was going to
prove to the world that without his
Holy Spirit their minds were incapa–
ble of receiving and utilizing such
knowledge of the TRUE WAYS OF
But, like educated men and scien-
(Continued on page 20)
is nearing
brink of
World War! Despite
disarmament talks–
despite warnings from
statesmen and scientists- the
world situation continues toworsen.
Bible prophecy identifies both the
United States and British Commonwealth
and reveals cat.aclysmic events about to
envelop our nations.
This master key of
prophecy-our national
identities-has been lost
until this time, . but is now
explained in our free book
The United States and
Britain in Prophecy.
For your copy, write to our
address nearest you.
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