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(Continued from page 2)
be given a new and a clean start,
receive God's Spirit, and let the
power of God come into us and
clean us up and make us what we
ought to be.
Job understood this. Turn to Job
14:14: "If a man die, shall he live
again? al! the days [answered Job]
of my appointed time will
till my change come." He was
speaking of a resurrection when he
was going to be changed. "Thou
shalt ca11, and
will answer
thee...." And, do you know that
Jesus said, "Tlie hour is coming, in
the which all that are in the graves
shall hear his voice, and shall come
forth; they that have done good
unto the resurrection of life. ..."
(John 5:28-29).
Job said: "Thou shalt call, and
will answer thee...." Here is the
want you to notice,
" ... thou wi 1 t have a desi re to the
work of thine hands"-the last part
of verse 15. In call ing him from..the
grave in a resurrection, Job said,
God will have a desire to the work
of his hands. Job knew that he was
an unfinished piece of God's work–
manship. Yes, man is the work of
God's hands.
want you now to notice Ephe–
sians 2:10: "For we are his work–
manship ..
of course,
means Christians in New Testa–
ment language. "We are his work–
manship, created in Christ Jesus
unto good works [not very many
people believe that today] , which
God hath before ordained that we
should walk in them." Yes, in good
works. That's in the New Testa–
The spiritual creation is still go–
ing on today. That's the purpose of
your life-to learn that very lesson.
To repent of your wrong ways,
your sins, to accept Christ as your
Savior; and to starf on the way that
is the way of character, the way of
good, righ teous, holy, spiri tual
character-the way of God. And
that you can become the very born
son of God.
Only those who overcome and
grow in this life- after we do re–
pent, and after we are reconciled to
God through Jesus Chr ist, and af–
ter we have received his Holy
4 4
Spirit and are walking by his
Spirit, will reign with Christ over
the nations. " He that overcometh
[said J esus], and keepeth my works
unto the end, to him will I give
power over the nations: and he
shall rule them [the nations] with
a rod of iron" (Rev. 2:26·-27).
And then again in Revelation
3:21: " To him that overcometh
[J esus said] will I grant to sit witb
me in my throne." He is going to
rule the entire world; and we, if we
qualify, are going to rule with him.
We're going to be kings and priests
with him. He was the firstborn of
many brethren. You can be one of
those brethren!
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The Seven
Laws of Success
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nearest you (see inside
front cover for a list).