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started by Semiramis was carried
into the different nations in the lan–
guage of each. Semiramis and Nim–
rod were also identified with the
names Isis and Osiris in Egypt. Each
nation had its own names for its
gods. But the whole labyrinth of pa–
gan religions developed from that
which originated with Semiramis.
As the generations of humanity
continued, this world's civilization
started with a govern–
ment system started by Nimrod,
through a religious system that
stemmed from Nimrod and Semi-
umanity was
created on earth for
a glorious and wonderful purpose.
God was reproducing himself.
Stated another way, God's purpose
was to create humanity to become
supremely happy and joyful in
peace and perfect comfort, to be–
come productive, creative, joyfully
successful with eterna! life.
This meant the supreme perfect
spiritual character of God-perfect
utopía. This purpose shall be ac–
But to accomplish it, humanity
must make its own decision. The
former cherub Lucifer had chosen
a course of action and be–
ing that led in the dia–
metrically opposite direc–
tion . The first man had to
choose either to accept
and live the way of God's
purpose, or Satan's way
a glorious and wonderful
purpose. God
of self-reliance in the op–
posite direction. The first
man Adam chose to take
to himself the knowledge
of good and evil. He
started his human family
relying on self for good
was reproducing himself.
ramis. The modero system of aca–
demic educations was started by
Plato, taught by Socrates. Systems of
commerce, industry, finance and
banking developed-but none of
these Satan-influenced and human!y
devised systems originated with God.
All laws were made by humans- ei–
ther decrees by kings and despots, or
human lawmaking groups, such as
city councils, state legislatures, na–
tional congresses, parliaments, diets,
or whatever. Social customs devel–
oped and all facets of civilization up
to the chaotic present.
In such a world God called out a
special nation of his own, nota favor–
ite nation for special favors, but a
nation chosen for a special purpose
that the nation failed to perform.
After the Flood profane history
implies that Shem continued more
or less in the knowledge and way of
God . But no man really walked with
God until Abraham. To Abraham,
God made all the promises on which
ultimate human salvation depends,
as well as the material and economic
prosperity that has come to the
United States and the British.
Summation of Human
.Humanity was created on earth for
on the human leve!, mixed with
evil, and relying on human self not
only for knowledge of the way, but
for the solution of all problems that
might arise. He rejected spiri tual
knowledge from God and reliance
on God for power to live the way
of utopía.
Man built his world on self-suf–
ficiency without God.
God set in motion a master plan
for accomplishment of his purpose,
consisting of a duration of 7,000
years. Satan was allowed to remain
on earth's throne for the first 6,000
years. God purposed that man
must learn his lesson, and come
voluntarily to accept God 's way
and character.
For nearly 6,000 years mankind
has been writing that lesson. But
even at this late hour he has not yet
Iearned it. He has not yet given up
on his own self-centered way and
come to accept God's way to his
ultimate happiness. God is letting
the law of cause and effect take full
toll. Man's society, deceived and
misled by Satan, has not even yet
brought man to admit failure of his
course of self-sufficiency.
Today man's world is reeling on
its last legs. Wars, violence, destruc–
tion, terrorism engulf the entire
world. Half the world exists in igno–
rance, illiteracy, poverty, living in
filth and squalor. The developed half
is sick with ill health, disease, mental
stress, fear, frustration, wracked
with crime, alcoholism, drug abuse,
perverted and misused sex, broken
bornes, hopelessness in frustration.
Mankind is nearing the end of
his rope. But even now, God will
not intervene to save this defiant
humanity from itself until man is
finally brought to the point where,
if God delayed longer in interven–
tion, man would annihilate himself.
God will not intervene and usher in
the next world under the kingdom
of God until the remnant of
mankind has been brought to fully
realize human inability to solve
problems or bring worldwide peace
in happiness and joy. Man must be
brought to realize his helplessness
and futility without God.
At last the weapons of mass de–
struction have been invented and
produced that can erase all life
from this planet earth. In these last
days of mankind's last gasping of
breath, Jesus foretold how it would
all end. After Jesus' gospel had
been suppressed, replaced with a
false gospel of men about a differ–
ent Jesus, he said , "This gospel of
the kingdom shall be preached in
all the world for a witness unto all
nations; and then shall the end [of
this world] come."
This gospel now has been
preached into every nation. During
its 50 years of proclamation, nu–
clear energy has developed with ca–
pacity for the first time in history
to destroy every human alive on
earth. Next, Jesus foretold the
great tribulation- a time of trouble
so great that, unless God does in-
. tervene, no human being would be
saved alive. But, for the sake of his
Church, God will intervene super–
naturally before total destruction
of humanity. Mankind will be
brought to acknowledge human in–
sufficiency without God . lmmedi–
ately a"rter, Christ will come in the
clouds in supreme power and glory
to unseat Satan, and start God's
own new civilization toward utopía
(Matt. 24:14, 31-41).
These are the very last days of
Satan's evil world. God's utopian
civilization will be started with the
present generation.