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in the techniques of both chemical
and nuclea r warfare.
• There are 37 factories in the
Soviet Union which are employed
to produce chemical (and biolog–
ical) agents.
• There a re more than 100
bomb dumps throughout the
Warsaw Pact area where canis–
ters of nerve gas in the form of
arti llery shells are stored.
• All Soviet tanks are sealed,
so as to be protected from outside
nerve gases.
The same kind of story has
a lso been told by a Soviet naval
capta in who recently defected
from the U.S.S.R.'s Pacific Fleet,
whose report appeared in the
Daily Telegraph.
said thal a ll categories of Soviet
ground units carry chemical war–
fare equipment. He a lso stated
lhat all the newer Soviet ships
have large poison gas deconlami–
nation unils- usually pressure
hydrants using seawater- and
for every nuclear warhead car–
ried by the Soviet navy lhere is
a lso a nerve-gas warbead.
The Sting of the Scorpion
Few weapons, according lo Rob–
ert Moss, a London journalist
with important links to the West–
ern intelligence community, "are
more horrifying in their effects
than nerve gas."
" In the moments before death,
a man who has a bsorbed a lethal
dose will experience a vice-like
tightness in his chest, breathing
difficulties, obscured vision,
sweating, drooling, violent nau–
sea, cramps, twitching, blinding
headaches a nd convulsions.''
Poison-gas weapons are a
frightening sign that we are liv–
ing in the time prophesied by the
book of Revelation. The nalure of
effects of chemical weapons, like
a few other
uniquely modern
weapons, is strikingly similar to
what the book of Revelat ion (the
Apocalypse) foretell s:
"And there carne out of tbe
smoke locusls upon the earth:
and unto them was given power,
as the scorpions of the earth have
July 1980
"And it was commanded them
thal they should not hurt the grass
of the earth, neither any green
thing, neither any tree; but only
those men which have not the seal
ofGod in their foreheads.
"And to them it was given that
they should not kili them, but
that they should be tormented
five months: a nd tbeir torment
was as the torment of a scorpion,
when he striketh a man.
"And in those days shall men
seek death, and shall not find it;
and shall desire to die, a nd death
sha ll flee from them" (Revelation
Note what is in this prophecy.
The apostle John did not ha ve the
in bis vocabu–
lary. Yet locusts
look like
helicopters, and helicopters a re
potentially ideal chemical-war–
fare instruments. They can be
mounted with jet engines that
can spread poison gas vapor.
Note also that "the torment of a
scorpion, when he striketh a
man" is the torment of
The vision seems to be one of the
helicopters spreading poison!
Moreover, not every poison or
nerve gas is lethal. Many are
what military people call "inca–
pacitants." They can produ,ce
delirium, nausea, interna) bleed- ·
ing-but not necessarily death.
The United States has, for exam–
ple, about 50 tons of BZ (quinu–
clidin-3-1 benzilate), which is
enough to keep 40,000 million
people in a state of delirium for
severa) days!
Clearly Bible prophecy is ad–
vance news of what is about to
happen. The Afghan incidents or
the "yellow rain" in Laos are
early forerunners of events soon
to break on the world scene!
But this prophecy in Revela–
tion 9 is only one of many Bible
prophecies. You need to under–
stand what other prophecies fore–
tell about our frightening age and
the coming wonderful world to–
morrow. Write for our fre·e book–
The Book of Revelation
Unveiled at Last.
This booklet
makes plain the outline of Bible
prophecy. o
(Continued from page 20)
population improvement has nev–
er been recorded before, not only
among the Pygmies but, most
likely, among any primitive eth–
nic groups of the world. The
overall population of the Efé Pyg–
mies is now s light ly (almost
perce nt) on the increase- reach–
ing nearly 4,000-the very first
increase of the Pygmy popula tion
for at least the last 100 years! l t
is, of course, too early to cry,
"Victory!" But it is now quite
clear that our program is not only
effective but an unprecedented
success. You can be proud to be a
part of it!
Not only was
able to fulfill
the ent ire 1979 program, but
managed to reach the most re–
mote camps of Pygmies needing
help most desperalely. Aboul 500
tools, more than a ton of selected
soybean seeds a nd assorted medi–
cations were distributed, a nd
many useful items were given as
rewards for hard work. More–
over, sorne 650 acres were ac–
quired for Pygmy agricultura!
expansions. All of these were
achieved with the tax-deductible
moneys raised before my depar–
ture for Africa a t the end of July,
1979, plus a sum that
had to
borrow locally to pay for every–
n arder lo maintain the
confidence and cooperation of the
local suppliers of The Pygmy
Fund,* it is important that the
above-mentioned sum be paid off
as soon as possible. Furthermore,
we have to complete the budget
for this next July, 1980, mis–
The Pygmies and
your past support greatly ... and
since you really care (frankly, there
are not that many olher people who
want to express special
thanks for your encouragement in
helping make sure lhat we will not
only be savi ng these beautiful souls
but also a culture, a wisdom and a
unique way of Ji fe. o
*The Pygmy Fund address is Box 1067,
Malibu, Calif., 90265. U.S.A.