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that sorne of the children of Adam
and Eve gave rise to black, yellow
as well as white.
The one man God chose to PRE–
SERVE the human race alive after
the Flood was
unmixed in his gen–
erations- all
his ancestry back to
Adam was of the one strain.
you are a livestock breeder,
planning to enter your prize ani–
mals in a livestock show-perhaps
at a state or county fair- you will
be sure to enter only thoroughbred
or pedigreed stock! Mixing the
breed alters the inheritable charac–
God originally
set the bounds
national borders, intending nations
to be SEPARATED to prevent inter–
racial marriage. Notice, "When the
most High divided to the nations
their inheritance [speaking of land
or geographical boundaries], when
the sons of Adam, he set the
bounds of the people . .." (Deut.
32:8) .
But people wanted to inter–
marry- thinking they would be–
come only ONE RACE!
That desire seems still inherent
in human nature today!
Noah was of unmixed lineage in
bis generations and undoubtedly
that happened to be white-not
that white is in any sense superior.
His wife and three sons were of
that same white strain . But
Japheth evidently had married an
Oriental woman, and Ham a black.
That is how God chose to preserve
the primary races through the
catastrophe of the Flood.
We know little more than stated
above about civilized development
prior to the Flood.
Mankind should have learned its
lesson by the Flood, but man cut
off from God, and swayed by Satan
had not, and has not to this present
day. But once again, "as it was in
the days of Noah," Jesus said in a
prophecy, there is a population ex–
plosion, and evils are multiplying.
This time worldwide nuclear war
will threaten to erase all humanity
from the earth. But, for the sake of
the "elect" of God's true Church
(Matt. 24:21-22), God will cut the
destruction short- and this time
send Jesus Christ as King of kings
to replace Satan and sit on earth's
Orlgln of Cltles
was only the second generation
after the Flood until a man named
Nimrod organized people into cit–
ies. First was the tower of Babel
and the city of Babylon. Then
Nineveh and other cities, which be–
carne city-states.
God had set the bounds of the
nations, intending geographical
segregation of the races.
At this point
quote from
tan's Great Deception,
a thesis by
C. Paul Meredith (pages 14-16):
Everyone on earth after the
Flood knew of God
why he
had drowned the wicked. They
feared to do evil- at first .. . .
Men lived... without cities and
without laws, and all speaking
one language....
This group, composed of the
only people on the earth
(for the
others bad all been destroyed by
the great Flood), began migrat–
ing from the mountains of
Ararat (Gen. 8:4) where the ark
had landed: "And the whole
earth was of
one language,
and of
one speech. And it carne to pass,
·as they journeyed from the east,
that they found a plain in the
land of Shinar; and they dwelt
there" (Gen. 11:1-2). These peo–
ple, now known as Sumerians
Ancient History in Bible
page 51), pushing through
the mountains of the east, carne
upon a prodigiously fertile plain
built up by the deposits of the
Euphrates and the Tigris rivers.
This land of Shinar is now
known as ancient Babylonia
H. Breasted's
Ancient Times,
107) . Here was a land that would
produce all they desired in abun–
These people, like Adam and
Eve, disobeyed God and brought
trouble upon themselves. The
land was productive, but the wild
animals were multiplying faster
than the people due to the de–
struction of the former civiliza–
tion by the great Flood. Because
of their primitive weapons, there
was a great danger to life and
possessions (Ex. 23:28-29).
What could be done about it?
Nimrod, the son of Cush, was
a large, powerfully built man
who developed into a great
hunter. It was he who
the people together and
them to fight the wild ferocious
beasts. "He was a mighty
the Lord" (Gen. 10:8-9).
In other words, the name of
Nimrod was known everywhere
for his might. He emancipated
the people of the earth after the
Flood from their fear of the wild
animals. His prestige grew. He
became the leader in worldly af–
fairs. He was ambitious.
Flrat Clty-Babylon
There was a better way to pro–
tect the people from the wild
animals that roamed the earth
than by constantly fighting them.
Nimrod built a city of houses
and surrounded this city with a
high wall and gathered the peo–
ple therein. Thus the people were
protected and Nimrod was able
over them. This arrange–
ment was agreeable to the people
for "They said ... let
a city and . .. make
us a name,
lest we be scattered abroad"
(Gen. 11 :4).
The people not only protected
themselves from the wild animals
by building a walled city but also
established authority
of their
own- "let us
a name."
This was to be a central place of
sity of their obedience to God was
no/ going to be recognized!
was their leader. Also they built
a tower whose top was to "reach
unto heaven."
With a tower this
high they could do as they
wished-disoqey God and still be
safe from his
had drowned the inhabitants of
the earth before. This was
mankind's first act of open rebel–
lion agains t God afte r the
Flood-they thought they had
placed themselves out of God's
reach if they wished to
him .
They, ljke Satan, thought
that if they could "ascend above
the heights of the clouds," they
could "be like the most High"
(lsa. 14:14). Cush, Nimrod's fa–
ther, also had much to do with
the building of this tower and
(The Two Babylons,
by Alex–
ander Hislop, page 26) .
These people were not only of
one language, they were of three
races or families- white, yellow
and black. Just as God created va–
rieties in many species of flowers
and of animals-for example, many
varieties and colors of roses-for
greater beauty, so God created the
three races and colors of human
(Continued on page 39)