Every one of us would like
to be able to choose the
best course of action every
time! Here's practica! ad–
vice on how we can.
is no more mis–
erable human being,"
wrote William James,
"than one in whom nothing is
habitual but indecision."
You don
need to tell that to
Louis Jones! He's always had
trouble deciding what todo, and
he's having trouble now.
Louis, 36, has a wife, two small
children and a not-so-well-paying
factory job in a town hit by reces–
sion. Louis doesn't see much future
in his present job--or in his town,
for that matter.
A buddy with whom Louis occa–
sionally has a drink has enthusiasti–
cally told him that a lot of higher–
salaried positions are opening up in
a major city to the south, in an area
with a nicer climate and cheaper
housing (Louis would dearly.
like to purchase a home for his
fami ly).
Louis is wrestling with himself
over what to do. He and his wife
grew up in the area where they live
now, and if he moved his chi ldren
would have to change schools. He
may not have enough skills to get
one of those jobs in the other city.
And it would cost a lot to move.
Still, the potential income at the
other jobs sounds good, and Louis
is growing ti red of the hard winters
in his part of the country. And he
might be able to buy a house.
Maybe a change of scenery right
now is just what he needs to
gel going and do something
with his life.
"Oh," Louis moans to
himself, "what should I
Which Way to Go?
"Louis Jones" could be
any of us! He could be black,
white, Chicano, Oriental- it
e doesn't matter. Each of us is
prone, more or less frequently,
to make decisions that need to
February 1986