pearance in
66, the attack on
the Ostrogoths by the Huns in 373,
Attila's invasion of Gaul in 451 and
even the English colonization of
America, beginning 1607!
Genghis Khan claimed the heav–
enly traveler as his own special
star, and during its spectacular ap–
pearance in 1222, he pushed his
Mongol hordes across southeast
Europe, massacring hundreds of
Sorne accounts even record Pope
Calixtus 111 asking for God's pro–
tection from "the devi l, the Turks
and the comet" in 1456. The Turks
had captured Constantinople and
were closing in on Belgrade. Comet
Halley appeared and the Turks
captured Belgrade by the
Mere colncidence?
chief, was then a young man of 18.
Looking through his eyes, we see a
world that has suffered two global
wars, the advent of the nuclear
sword of Damocles and the dawn of
the technological age-aii within
the span of a single lifetime.
And now, Comet Halley re–
turns- to pass by a dramatically
changed world, a world now poised
on the brink of nuclear-fueled de–
struction! Does the comet offer a
hint of soon-coming events? Will
bumans survive this scientific age?
There is
for whom the fu–
ture is no mystery!
am God,"
thunders the S upreme Creator,
"and there is none like Me,
ing the end from the beginning,
a witness to all the nations, and
the end will come" (Matt.
That message-t he gospel or
good news of the kingdom of
God-is now being thundered to
the world on scores of television
and radio stations carrying the
Wor/d Tomorrow
program world–
wide and through the pages of the
magazine you hold at this moment
in your hand!
This message is one of hope, of
the reestablishment over the earth
of the government of God with au–
thority to bring world peace.
What Value Comet s?
Comets and other natural phenom–
In 1910
The New York
reported that C1t1es
around the world lay in ter–
ror of the approaching
comet, which contains
cyanogen, a colorless, in–
nammable, poisonous gas.
In Chicago, people sealed
their windows, hoping to
keep out the gas. Comet
pills were sold everywhere
as an antidote.
Then shortly before the
comet reached its closest
Conquering sign? Comet Halley in the 900-year-old
Bayeux Tapestry, a lineo history of the conquest.
ena are
the criterion by
which to judge matters.
Where was Comet Halley,
for example, when millions
perished in Hitler 's concen–
tration camps during World
Scientists point out
that the comet was at the
opposite end of its orbit–
well beyond the planet Nep–
tune! Where was Comet
Halley during the tragic
American Civil War of
1861-1865? Where was the
comet when the Great Octo–
ber Revolution of 1917
changed the face of Mother
point to earth, King Edward VII
died . Sorne newspapers reported
that a hall of red fire subsequently
appeared in the comet's head and
When the earth finally did pass
through the comet's tail on May
18, 191
mass hysteria seized
crowds. Thousands spent the time
praying in churches.
When the hysteria finally sub–
sided, people sheepishly found that
no one had died from the gas. They
had survived.
This time around, the comet is
hailed by commercial interests. Re–
tail stores bulge with official
Comet Halley s hirts and tele–
scopes. Comet cruises to the
Southern Hemisphere, where view–
ing is best, are booked solid.
But the aura of mystery remains.
A Single Lifetime
Much has transpired since Halley's
Last visit in 191
Herbert W.
Plain Truth
and from ancient times things that
are not yet done .
... lndeed
spoken it;
will also bring it to
pass ..."
(lsa. 46:9-11, RAV
And what does this Being say of
natural pbenomena, such as Comet
Halley? "Thus says the Lord:
... Do not be dismayed at the signs
of heaven" (J er. 10:2)!
lt is time we looked at the real
source of knowledge of future
events, the Bible- for God
accurately reveals the future to hu–
Pet. 1:19-21).
Foretelling the Future
About three decades before the
comet's appearance in
66, a
group of men privately asked Je–
sus, "What will be the sign of ...
the end of the age?" (Matt. 24:3).
Did J esus answer, "Look in the
skies for a comet"? Of course not!
Read here his surprising answer:
" ... this gospel of the kingdom
will be preached in all the world as
seems that a few opportunistic
men as William the Conqueror did
successfully use the comet as a psy–
chological boost, but little more.
We can surmise that the Chinese
emperors were correct: The less
the general public hears or sees of
comets, the better.
lndeed, far from being a galactic
omen, Comet Halley is merely a
celestial snowball that attracts un–
usual attention every 76 years.
For those who
interested in
learning about the future, we offer
as a public service, without cost or
obligation, a free, full-length book
that authoritatively explains what
to come.
you' re interested–
and you ought to be- in learning
how and why of world
events, write for your free personal
copy of
The United States and
Britain in Prophecy.
You will be
surprised at what the true
harbinger of events-the Bible–