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(Continued from page 1)
today almost universally assume
nothing exists but matter. They
deny the existence of spirit. Which
is to say, whether admitted or not,
they deny the existence of God.
We come to the modero science
of brain research. We learn that
the human brain exercises many
functions impossible in animal
brain, yet we learn there is virtu–
ally no significant difference, phys–
ically. The animal cannot think,
reason, study, make decisions apart
from instinct.
cannot know what
the human knows. lt does not have
altitudes of judgment, wisdom,
!ove, kindness, cooperation, nor is
it aware of competition, conspiracy,
envy, jealousy, resentment. lt has
no appreciation of music, art and
has no spiritual quali–
ties or characteristics.
Yet science and higber educa–
tion insist the faculty of intellect in
humans is solely physical.
1 had to PROVE to myself ratio–
nally that God exists and is in fact
more REAL than matter. 1 had to
PROVE that the Holy Bible is in
fact the authoritative Word of
God, by which he communicates to
man, reveals truth otherwise inac–
cessible to man. And 1 found re-
(Continued from page 2)
partly understood, is at present
untreatab le and is invari ably
fatal. ... Caution would seem to be
in arder when it comes to exposing
the public.... "
The AIDS outbreak- which is
certain to spread-is a graphic il–
lustration of Jesus' words: "And
because lawlessness will abound,
(Continued from page 3)
the Federal Republic of Germany,
is heavi ly dependent upon world
trade, exporting a full third of its
manufactured goods.
Access to the U.S. market is cen–
tral to the economiesof J apan and the
other nations of the Pacific Basin,
National Review
editor John McLaughlin, "and hence
perhaps to their stability."
that is hidden from the self-pro–
fessed scholarly. 1 found revealed
the reason for mounting evils in a
progressive world.
Can the human, who has been
designed, created and made, say to
his Maker, "Why did you make me
thus?-and for what PURPOSE?"
And can he inst ruct his Maker?
Should he not, rather, open bis
mind, and listen when his Maker
reveals to him the very reason for
his being?
The Creator reveals and in–
structs in a highly coded book, the
Holy Bible. lts profound message
is opened to human understanding
through the presence and in–
dwelling of the Holy Spirit injected
into the human mind that has sur–
rendered and yielded completely to
the revelation in belief and obedi–
ence. To such a one the TRUTH is
made plain-wonderful beyond de–
But mark well this question!
Think on this!
man had only the
physical brain, like the dumb verte–
brales, how could the great Spirit
God inject into the animal brain
these marvelous spiritual truths?
The answer is plain. God does not.
The dumb animals have no aware–
ness of God or of spiritual knowl–
the !ove of many wi ll grow cold."
Lawlessness in sexual relations
(Lev. 18:22) is spreadi ng this
plague! And the lack of love-true
concern for the welfare of others–
frustrates attempts to control it.
Keep Your Eyes Open
Wars, insurrections, religious and
racial hostility, famines and
pestilences domínate today's head–
lines along with earthquakes and
protectionism takes hold, what
would happen to J apan and to
Western Europe, whose economic
hear t is in Germany?
Protectionism, leading to a full–
blown trade war, would likely
break the extensive joint defense
relationships between the U.S. and
its primary World War II foes,
now allies for the past 40 years.
Americans should then prepare to
witness the emergence of a nu–
clear-armed Japan as well as a nu-
But the human spmt m mortal
man makes possible a direct con–
tact from the g reat Spirit God.
There is no direct channel of com–
munication between the dumb ani–
mal brain and the mind of the
Supreme God.
Meditate on this. We humans
sometimes speak of how wonder–
fully God made man, with his brain
and the marvelous physical compo–
nents of his body all functioni ng to–
gether. But without this spirit, im–
parting the power of intellect to the
brain and also opening a channel of
direct communication with the mind
of the Great God, man would be no
more than the dumb brutes. But
with the spirit in man, man's cre–
ation becomes all the more awesome
to contemplate. Jt is this human
spirit in man that makes it possible
for man to be united with God, so
that man may be begotten of God by
God's Spirit uniting with the human
spirit, thus impregnating the human
person as a child of the Supreme
Creator God.
The real value of a human life,
then, lies solely within the human
spirit combined with the human
brain. It should be stated at once
that this human spirit is not per–
ceived by the most highly educated
psychologists, yet it is the very
essence of the human MI o. o
other natural disasters, often aggra–
vated by the works of man. They
will continue to do so until the
return of J esus Christ.
Tragically, the world at large
cannot see the "big picture" any
more than those living in Noah's
day could (Matt. 24:39). The vast
majority "have eyes and see not"
(Jer. 5:21 ).
Hopefully, readers of
The Plain
have their eyes open! o
clear-armed united Europe with
Germany at its core.
It's doubtful whether the Ameri–
can public and its elected represen–
tatives have thought out the likely
end results of actions now under
way. Former Senate majority leader
Howard H . Baker Jr. sounded this
warning: "The disastrous Smoot–
Hawley Tariff Act of 1930 was
rushed through Congress ... and it
took 14 years and a world war to
st raighten out the mess." o