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their envy, is now perished ...' "
(Eccl. 9:5-6).
The Bible's message is clear on
this point. Death is death beyond
any shadow of doubt. The apostle
Paul wrote that "the wages of sin
is death" (Rom. 6:23). Death, by
definition, is the absence of life–
not just separation from God.
mortal and suffer through the
gamut of emotions and troubles, or
experience the good times of hu–
man life.
Even though when we die we are
dead, we will not remain dead
forever. The dead in their graves
will live again! Read what Jesus
says: " Do not marvel at this; for
an was made to
have a special relationship
with his Maker! He
the hour is coming in
which all who are in the
graves will hear His voice
and come forth-those
who have done good, to
the resurrection of life,
and those who have done
evil, to the resurrection of
[judgment]" (John 5:28-
29, RAV).
was made in the form
and shape of God.
Scripture even warns us to make
the most of life now while we have
the opportunity: "Whatever your
hand finds to do, do it- with your
might; for there is no work or
device or knowledge or wisdom in
the grave wbere you are going"
(Eccl. 9:1 O, Revised Authorized
couldn't be more plain. But
what about those who want to cling
to the cherished belief in floating
off to heaven after death if good, or
sinking to hell if bad?
Listen to the apostle Peter's re–
sponse. If anyone deserved to go to
heaven, it would certainly be some–
one after God's own heart,
wouldn't it? David was such a per–
son (Acts 13:22). But Peter was
inspired by God to say, David is
"both dead and buried, and his
tomb is with us to this day" (Acts
2:29, RAV), and further, "David
did not ascend into the heavens"
(Acts 2:34).
Jesus himself also said that "no
man hath ascended up to heaven,"
where God's throne is (John 3:13).
Will We Each Live Again?
But there is more to this life than
living for the present life. The
Great God put humans here on this
earth for a marvelous, eterna! pur–
pose, not even understood by this
world's humanly devised religions.
We are on this earth for a won–
derful reason. It involves the an–
swer to why we humans were made
There is an accounting
for our behavior in this
life! Every human being
who has ever lived will
ultimately give an accounting and
be in a resurrection.
have explained earlier that the
spirit in man of itself does not see,
cannot hear, cannot think. The
brain sees through the eye, hears
through the ear, and thinks as it is
empowered by the spirit. At death,
"Then shall the dust return to the
earth as it was: and the spirit shall
return unto God who gave it"
(Eccl. 12:7).
The spirit is the depository of
rriemory and character. The spirit
is like a mold.
retains even the
human form and shape of the de–
ceased, so that in the resurrection
to judgment those who have died
shall look as they did in life, retain
whatever character they estab–
lished in life, remember everything
that was stored in their memory.
But in the meantime, in . death,
there is no consciousness-they
"know not any thing" (Eccl. 9:5).
The most universal false teach–
ing, be li eved by virtually all
churches called Christianity, ex–
cept the one and only true and
original Church of God, is that ALL
are automatically
"lost" unless
they profess
Jesus Christ as Sav–
ior-and that now is the
of "salvation." But the truth is that
those cut off from God are NOT
Few UNDERSTAND this basic
master plan of God. The reader
cannot possibly be more surprised
at the truth revealed in this volume
than was the author, more than 58
years ago. The WHOLE WORLD has
been deceived, as God's Word fore–
told! One deceived is not aware of
the deception! Don't underestimate
Humans, Cut Off from God?
One, reviewing the multiplied evi1s
in the world today, might think
MAN has cut himself off from God.
But it is Goo who cut off mankind
from him. And WHY?
Does that seem to make God
appear unfair? Quite the opposite!
Let us make that point clear.
Adam, by choosing to take of the
forbidden tree, cut off himself and
his family after him from God. Yet
because all humans boro from
Adam have sinned, each human
has in fact cut himself off from
God (lsa. 59: 1-2). ·
The Person in the God family
who spoke with Adam was the
or "Word" who was later
boro as Jesus Christ. Adam had no
contact with God the Father .
When the Word closed the tree of
life, al! mankind was cut off from
God the Father until Christ would
come to earth .in supreme power
and glory to take from Satan .the
throne of the earth and to restare
the government of God over the
entire earth.
Meanwhile Christ, the second
Adam, carne at his first appearing to
the existence of God the Fa–
ther (Luke 10:22). Until that time,
the world had no knowledge of the
existence of God tlie Father. That is
one reason the religion of Judaism
had believed that God consists of
ONE PERSON ONLY. That is the rea–
son theologians have lost, or rather
never possessed, knowledge of the
fact Goo ·is a FAMJLY into which we
may be born as part of that very God
family. That, also, explains why, on
reading in the New Testament of
God the Father, and also of Jesus
being God, they carne up with the
false theory of the Holy Spirit being
a "Ghost," or third Person of a Trio- ·
ity, thus blaspheming the Holy
Spirit and LIMITING God and doing
away with all .knowledge that con–
verted humans can become mem–
bers of the very divine God FAMILY.
Thus Satan blinded "Christianity"
from the truth and purpose of the
gospel of Jesus Christ.