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Adam and Eve took of the tree
of "the · knowledge of good and
evil." Taking .of its fruit was taking
to themselves
the knowledge of
what is good, and what is evil- de–
ciding for themselves what is right
and what is sin. This, of course,
meant rejection of Goo·s LAW,
which defined
for them
the right
and the wrong.
The glorious archangel Lucifer,
as God originally created him, was
the pinnacle of God's creative power
in a single bei ng. Few today re–
motely realize the great power, now
turned to cunning deception, pos–
sessed by Satan. Apparently Adam
completely underestimated him.
The wily Satan got to Adam
through his wife Eve. He did not
say, "CHOOSE MY WAY!" He ap–
peared as a subtile serpent. He
cleverly deceived her.
He put DOUBTS in her mind
about God's veracity. He put a
barred reentrance-/est he go back
and receive eternal life
in sin
3:22-24)-God PRONOUNCED SEN–
God said, in effect: "You have
made the decision for yourself and
the world that shall spring from
you. You have rejected me as the
basic source of knowledge-you
have rejected power f rom me
through my Spirit to live the righ–
teous way- you have rebelled
against my command and my gov–
ernment- you have chosen the
'GETTING.' 'TAKING' way of Satan.
sentence you and the
world you shall beget to 6,000
years of being
cut off
from access
to me and my Spirit- except for
the exceedingly FEW
shall spe–
cially call. And that FEW shall be
called for special service prepara–
tory for the kingdom of God. They
shall be required to do what you
have failed to do-reject, resist and
overcome Satan and his
WAvs, and follow the
ways of my spi ritual LA
hy does man have the
thinking and reasoning
ability and possess all the
human fund of knowledge
that is impossible for
animals to have?
"Go, therefore, Adam,
and all your progeny that
shall forro the world, pro–
duce your own fund of
knowledge. Decide for
yourself what is good and
what is evi l. Produce your
own educational systems
and means of disseminat-
ing knowledge, as your
god Satan shall mislead
you. Forro your own con–
cepts of what is god, your
own religions, your own
sense of injustice and resentment
within her. He deceived her into
believing God had been unfair–
selfish. He subti lely injected vanity
of mind. He misled her into think–
ing it was
to take of the
forbidden fruit.
Adam, not deceived, neverthe–
less went along with his wife. With
her, he took to himself the deter–
mination of what is right and what
is wrong-thus DISBELIEVING what
his Maker had said, REJECTING
God as Savior and Ruler- reject–
ing God as the source of revealed
and followed Satan's
Adam's World Sentenced
When God "drove out the man"
from the Garden of Eden, and
governments, your own life-styles
and forros of society and civiliza–
tion. In all this Satan will deceive
your world with his attitude of
SELF-centeredness- with vanity,
.lust and greed, jealousy and envy,
competition and stri fe and violence
and wars, rebellion against me and
my law of LOVE.
"After the world of your descen–
dants has written the lesson in
6,000 years of human suffering,
anguish, frustration, defeat and
death-after the world that shall
spring from you shall have been
brought to confess the utter hope–
lessness of the way of life you have
chosen-1 will supernaturally in–
tervene. By supernatural divine
power 1 shall then take over the
government of the whole world.
With reeducation,
will produce a
happy world of PEACE. And on re–
pentance, l shall then offer eterna!
salvation to all. After a thousand
years of that happy world to come,
1 will resurrect from death to mor–
tal life all who have died uncalled
during this present 6,000 years.
Their judgment shali' then come.
And on repentance and faith, eter–
naJ life shall be offered them.
"During this 6,000 years, when
myself shaJI cut them off from me,
they shall not be eternally judged.
Only, as they sow during their life–
times, they shall reap. But
open eterna! salvation to them,
there shall be no Satan to hinder or
deceive them-no Satan for them
to overcome. Those few called dur–
ing this first 6,000 years shall have
to reject and resist Satan's pulls
and overcome. But those who over–
come shall sit with me in my
throne, and have power under me
to rule all nations under my
Supreme Rule."
Origin of Self-Reliance
What does all this mean?
Adam the first human rejected
knowledge from and reliance on
God. He chose to rely on bis own
knowledge and abilities.
The modero world, developed
from Adam, · relies wholly on hu–
man self-reliance. The psychology
taught in our day is self-reliance.
Rely on the innate powers within
you, they teach . An atmosphere of
self-reliant professionalism per–
vades most modern university caro–
is the spirit of vanity. The
university student is induced to
think of himself as becoming a pro–
fessional-that is, he considers
himself elevated above those who
bave not had his brand of educa–
tion. Through the basic concept of
the evolutionary theory, he feels
himself completely above those
who believe in God and the Lord
Jesus Christ. He regards them with
Salvatlon Closed Off
Upon Adam's making this fateful
and fatal decision, God CLOSED OFF
THE TREE OF LIFE (Gen . 3:22-24)'
from the world si red by Adam, for
6,000 years. That is, except in the
case of chosen prophets for the
writing of the Bible, and of the