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may seem shockingly strange,
because it is a dimension in knowl–
edge hither to untaught, but the
real value of a human life lies
solely in the human spiri t , as it
works in combination with the hu–
man brain.
God formed man of matter, but
after his own image and likeness as
to form and shape.
But the brute animal and man
have the same breath, the same
source of life. They die the same
death. Human life
animal exis–
tence, but in the form and shape of
God, and with the human spirit
added to the brai n.
Man's Creatlon Not Yet Completad
Man was created to have a relation–
ship with his Maker. Therefore he
was made in his Maker's form and
shape, with contact and relation–
ship made possible by the presence
within him of the human spirit.
But man's creation was not com–
pleted . He was made mentally and
spiritually only "half there." He
needed the addition of God's Spirit
to unite with his spirit, begetting
him as a child of God- uniting
him with God- ultimately en–
abling him to be born into the very
Pause here a moment. Notice
once again the duality in God's
creative process. The first man
Adam was a physical creation with
the human spirit added. When
man's creation is finally complete,
he will be a spiri tual creation,
formed wholly of Spirit.
When man receives the Holy
Spirit of God the very Spirit and
mind of the immortal God is in–
jected into him.
joins with his hu–
man spirit. The Spirit ofGod cannot
be received by, or injected into, the
brute animal because the animal has
no spirit within itself with which the
Spirit of God could combine.
At this point, let me inject a
truth that, at the time this is being
written, is probably the most con–
troversia! question at issue among
the Western world's population–
the question of abortion.
The human spirit enters the hu–
man embryo at conception.
this spirit that may, upon adult
conversion, be united with the
Holy Spirit from the great C reator
God, impregnating that human
with God-life as a child of the liv–
ing God, in a state of gestation,
though as yet unborn. To destroy
an embryo or a fet us in a mother 's
uterus is to MURDER a potential
future God Being.
Therefore, abortion is murder.
Now back to our original ques–
t ion: "What is the only real value
of a human life?"
Human life is animal existence
but with human spirit empowering
the brain with intellect. The hu–
man spirit in man makes possible
the union with the Holy Spirit and
mind and immortality of God.
When mortal man dies, the body
reverts to dust, and the spirit re–
turns to God.
Lite After Death
The departed human spirit at death
is in fact a spiritual mold, of itself
unconscious, yet in the resurrection
bringing into the resurrected body
all the memory, knowledge and
character as well as form and shape
of the person befare death. The hu–
man spirit of itself cannot see, hear,
think or know. The only real LIFE.
inherent and self-containing, lies in
the Holy Spirit of God, united with
the human spirit. The value of a hu–
man life líes in the human spirit and
its potentia l of being
united with God's Spirit–
which is God-mind and
pose. But, once begotten by the
Supreme God through the very LIFE
and Spirit ofthe living God dwelling
in him, a human being's potential is
of infinitely greater value than the
world has understood.
God c reates, as previously ex–
plained, by the principie ofDUALITY.
So it is with the creation of MAN. It
is accomplished in TWO STAGES: 1)
the physical phase, which began
with the fi rst man, Adam; and
spiri tual state, which begins with the
second Adam, Jesus Christ
So also, man was made from his
creation (and birth) with the one
"human" spirit that became an in–
tegral part of man. But he is men–
tally and spiritually INCOMPLETE;
he was made to need
Spirit- the HOLY SPIRIT of God–
and when that gift of God is re–
ceived, God's "Spirit itself beareth
witness with our spirit, that we are
the children of God" (Rom.
8:16)-in the begotten (or first
stage) of man's
This is clearly explained in
Corinthians 2. " ... Eye hath not
seen, nor ear heard, neither have
entered into the heart [mind] of
man, the things which God hath
prepared for them that love him"
Philosophers think of
human worth as of
supreme value in itself
alone. They speak of " hu–
man dignity." They speak
of the innate "god" pow–
ers within each human.
They advocate SELF-con–
fidence, self-glorification.
They make mortal man to
think of himself as im–
mortal God.
s man merely the highest
animal species, descended
through resident forces, with
no intelligent planning or
designing, by the process of
Much to the contrary, the sote
value of human life lies in the hu–
man spirit and the potential of be–
ing begotten of God, later to be
born VERY Goo. a child in the Goo
Man is not "god" within him–
self, but only mortal flesh and
blood with a brain empowered with
intellect by the human spirit.
Therefore, man of himself is in–
finitesimally of less value than the
self-professed wise ofthis world sup-
(verse 9)- spiritual knowledge.
The natural mind can receive
knowledge of material and physical
things. Also it can have a sense of
morality, ethics, art, culture not
possessed by the dumb animals.
But in the realm of good and evil
it can know and perform what is
good only on the human leve!,
made possible by the human spirit
within man. But this sense and per–
formance of good is limited to the
human leve! of the human spirit