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world's civilization-government ,
religion, education and science,
technology, industry-aJI shy away
from Goo. They want Goo to keep
his nose out of their affairs! The
mention of God embarrasses them.
Thi s ignorance cannot be ex–
plained except by the invisible and
unaware influence of the supernatu–
ral evil power of Satan the devil and
the unseen demoniaca! spi ri t beings.
When we read in Revelation 12:9
that all l he world has been deceived
by Salan, il does not exclude those of
advanced inlellect. J esus C hrisl
thanked God thal the real truths are
hidden from the wise and prudent
and revealed to those who are babes
in malerialistic knowledge.
In the first chapter of this book
we have covered the questions of
WHO and WHAT is Goo? And we
find God is quite REAL. God is
more l han one single person- God
is a family-God is the supreme
divine family-he is the Crealor of
all lhat is, and he has an ul timate
PURPOSE-the creation of perfect,
holy, righteous and spiritual CHAR–
ACTER. in MAN made immortal, to
become part of that God family.
So the presence of MAN on the
earth must have a definí te relation to
the PURPOSE of Goo the C reator.
With these basicaJiy imporlanl
questions and statements we must
aJJ the evils in loday's
sick and chaolic world? This world
now faces, wilh no solul ion, ils
number one problem-the quest ion
of HUMAN SURVIVAL! Can human
life on earth survive even through
the shorl remainder of this twenti–
eth century? Can humanity survive
both the population explosion and
the nuclear power his mind has
produced lhat can annihi late that
entire populat ion?
Consider now what has been cov–
ered aboul God's PURPOSE for the
angels thal sinned on earth. For that
angelic rebellion leads direclly to
God 's PURPOSE for MAN- to our
question of WHAT and WHY is MAN?
Earth's Face in Devastation
l nstead of improving, beautifying,
completing earth's creat ion, the
sinn ing angels brought it to desola–
tion and ruin.
Come now to Genesis 1:1-2: " In
t he beginning God created the
heavens [RSV] and the earth. And
the earth was without form, and
void; and darkness was upon the
face of the deep...."
The original Hebrew for "with–
out form, and void" is
bohu-meaning "waste, desolate,
deteriorated." T he word
is also
translated " became." Thus possibly
after millions of years, all had
come to be ocean ic surface- and
light had been by angelic lawless–
ness turned into darkness.
Let me here interject a
bíbl ica! principie within
the immediate context.
There is this instruction
in Isaiah: "Whom shall
compleled the creation of the earth
by improvemenl, development and
beautification. Rather, they had
broughl it to desolation and ruin.
been nullified on ear th.
And now, of all living beings in
the universe, ONLY Goo could be
certainly relied upon never to depart
from the way of his Iaw. No higher,
more perfect being could be created
than the cherub, Lucifer, who re-
he teach knowledge? and
whom shall he make to
unde r stand doctrine?
... precept must be upon
precept , precept upon
precept; line upon line,
line upon line; here a lit–
tle, and there a li ttle"
( l sa. 28:9-10). But most
who try to apply this
hy all the evils in today's
sick and chaotic world? This
world now faces, with no
solution, its number one
problem-the question of
human survival!
principie in biblical un–
derstanding take each "little" verse
out of its context, to " interpret"
their own ideas into it.
The Holy Bible is unique among
all books ever written. The very
fact that its truths are revealed
here a little, there a little means it
is a coded book, not to be under–
s tood until our present time of the
end as explained elsewhere in this
volume. Those who have tried to
read the Bible directly and contin–
uously from the beginning have
been bewildered. Many have sim–
ply thrown up their hands and said,
as I myself did once,
" 1
j ust can't
understand the Bible." That is why
Bruce Barton said the Bible is the
book nobody knows. As 1 have ex–
plained elsewhere the Bible is like
a jigsaw puzzle. Until the various
pieces of a j igsaw puzzle are put
properly together, the true picture
does not emerge.
Much, directly concerned with
what is in Genesis
is filled in by
other passages of Scripture in other
parts of the Bible.
So now, let's UNDERSTAND the
background. Genesis 1: l: God cre–
ated the heavens and the earth. We
have aJready seen, in chapter lwo,
that the heavens (or lhe universe)
and the earth were created after
the angels. Earth's angels had not
belled. Character cannot be auto–
matically created by fiat. Godly spir–
itual character is the habitual action
and conduct of the person or created
entity to come toa knowledge of the
true ways ofGod, and to exercise the
wi ll to follow lhose ways even
against opposition, temptation or
self-desi re to the contrary. Charac–
ter musl be developed wilh the as–
senl, will and action ofthe separate!y
created entity. It is imparted by God
and must be willingly received by
that entity. So God now deterrpined,
or had predetermined, to accomplish
the SUPREME creat ive feat- by
producing himself!
That was to be
accomplished through MAN! God
knew this must be brought about
through MATTER.
Man in God's lmage
To prepare the earth for the creation
of man, God renewed the face of the
earth. This is explained in Psalm
104:30: "Thou sendest forth thy
spi rit, they are created: and thou re–
newest the face of the earth."
Now back to Genesis l :2: The
ear th had come lo be in a state of
ruin. "And the Spirit of God moved
upon the face of the waters."
The firsl thing God did was turn
darkness back into LIGHT as origi–
nally made. God said, "Let there