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have probably nev–
er hea r d the truth
about what "hell" real–
ly is!
Or where your ideas about
" hell " carne from.
So open your mind to sorne star–
tling truth you may not have
understood before!
You probably have heard of
the idea of a horrifying, nightmar–
ish place of never-ending torture
for lost sinners. Atheists say reli–
gious people use tbis concept of
" hell" as a means of playing upon
the emotions of people who are
si ncerely trying to find God's
wi ll.
But where did they- and where
did you- learn these ideas?
Man' s Idea of Hell
As in nearly everything else of a
spiritual nature, humans are con–
fused and divided as to tbe kind of
futu re punishment tbe wicked will
receive. Even most cburches have
changed or modified their beliefs
on this subject over the years.
However, the common present–
day belief on hell is given in the
Encyclopedia Americana,
vol. 14,
page 81. Here are sorne excerpts
from its article titled "Hell": " Hell
as gener ally understood is the
abode of evil spirits; the infernal
regions, where the devi l rules
supreme, and where lost or con–
demned souls go after death to suf–
fer indescribable torments and
eterna! punishment e ithe r for
wickedness inherited from the sin
of Adam or for more or less seri–
ous infractions of the divi ne
Notice that the devil is supposed
to rule supreme in hell. He is often
pictured with a tail, a pitchfork
and a fiendish smile-delighting
himself in infticting tbese " inde–
scribable torments" on lost sin–
Contínuíng the article: "Hell, in
the theological sense, has no place
in most primitive religions, nor has
heaven.... There was no thought
of dividing the future state into
separate and distinct conditions of
existence. Even so late a writer as
the author of Ecclesiastes declares
that 'all [men and beasts] go unto
Roderick C. Meredith
ls God an "angry Judge"- who tortures
helpless sinners ages without end?