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Animal Brain
new book titled
Mystery of the Ages
is appearing ser ially
The Plain Truth.
This issue carries
chapter 3-"The Mystery of Man." What
and why is man? What is human mind? Is
there purpose to life? These quest ions have
puzzled humans for thousands of years.
In my book I explain
the human mind
differs from animal brain and
the real
value of a human life is. I think our readers
would benefit by reading the explanations,
excerpted from my book, in t his "Personal."
How Human Mind Functions
Did you ever wonder about the vast difference
between human mind and animal brain? This,
incidentally, is another PROOF of the falsity of the
theory of evolution!
The physical brain of the higher vertebrates in
the animal kingdom is essentially the same in
physical form, design, constituency, as human
brain. The brains of whales, elephants, dolphins are
larger- and chimp almost as large. Yet the output
of the human brain is indescribably greater. Few
indeed know WHY!
Many passages of Scripture show that there is a
man (e.g.,
Cor. 2:11). Spirit is
matter, and man is matter. To distinguish it from
God's Holy Spirit,
designate it as the "human"
spmt. Nevertheless, it is spirit and not matter.
This "human" spirit imparts the power of
intellect to the human physical brain. The spirit
cannot see, hear, taste, smell or feel. The
sees through the eye, hears through the ear, etc.
The "human" spirit cannot of itself think. The
physical brain thinks.
What, then, is the function of this "human"
is NOT a "soul." But, 1) it imparts the
power of intellect-of thinking, and of MIND
power, to the human brain; and 2) it is the very
means God has instilled, making possible a personal
relationship between human MAN and divine Goo.
What ls the Real Value of a Human Lífe?
Philosophers, humanists, speak loftily of human
worth as of supreme value in itself. They speak of
the "god" within you-of tapping the innate
hidden resources within yourself. T hey teach
SELF-reliance, self-glorification.
They are smugly ignorant and unaware of the
TRUE VALUES and the incredible but real human
Human life is at once of infinitesimally less
value than they suppose, and at the same time of
supremely greater potential than they know.
Real truth is revealed. Unless revealed it remains
a mystery, utterly unknown to the deceived and
vain intellectuals.
repeat, Jesus said in prayer:
thank thee,
Father, Lord of heaven and earth,
because thou hast bid these things from the wise
and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes"
What is the real truth concerning human worth?
What .is the real value of a human life?
grossly overestimated in its own reality, and
astoundingly undervalued in its supreme potential.
The truth indeed is staggering.
You look upón a sweet, innocent babe a few
hours old, or upon a life-fulfilled elderly person of
80 and ask yourself, "Just how valuable is that
life?-one just beginning, the other already spent."
Could you supply the correct answer?
Let's UNDERSTAND! Right here is the point of
difficulty. R ight here is the jumping off point
where the world's educated jump the track. Science
and advanced education
(Continued on page 42)