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true meaning of "punk rock"
would like to try to
clarify things.
The teenagers of today with
their dyed hair and strange
clothes are not necessarily
trying to be "punk." Punk is
not how you dress or how you
wear your hair, but a whole
systcm of belíefs. The true
punks were actually peoplc
such as Johnny Rotten and
Sid Vicious of the Sex Pistols
who started the punk
movement in 1976. Thc true
punks were trying very hard
not to conform to society and
they were against all forms of
organization. They were very
"anti-establishment." The
punks tricd to find a way to
convey their message to
society, and that was in the
form of their music. Their
songs werc often rude and
violent, but they got attention.
This was basically the start of
the punk revolution.
is very wrong to assume
that today if someone wears
his or her hair differently
from the norm or wears
different styles of clothing
they are punk. Punk basically
died out in the late '70s and
the early '80s. The people that
dress that way today are
usually just trying to be
different and in no way are
the violent people we assume
them to be. Sure, there are
still people who are like the
punks of the '70s, but it is
wrong to try to judge people
just by the clothes they wear.
These people are often kind,
generous people and should
not be disliked because of
their choice to be different.
Melanie Falta
Export, Pennsylvania
(Continued f rom page 3)
Physician's Office
As a physician
like to
keep a selection of magazines
in my office for my patients.
read as many
Plain Truth
editions as possible. I, for one,
find them very educational
enjoy their candour.
is not often one finds serious
discussion on so many
important issues-and with
such honesty.
sure many
of my patients would enjoy
them as well.
it could be at
al! possible,
would greatly
appreciate a number of tbem
in my officc, so all my
patients could take advantagc
of your perceptive magazine.
have mentioned this idea to a
few of my patients, and
sure if you sent me a dozen
magazi nes on a regular basis
they would be well received.
Susanne T upper,
Ottawa, Ontario
40 Years ls Enough
A few weeks after arriving
in the United States from
was pleased to
read your article entitled "40
Years ls Enough." Having
spent close to one half of my
life living just one hour's drive
from the Iron Curtain has
taught me sorne valuable
have visited the Iron
Curtain twice and it is just
that, an electrified, mined
fence that stretches between
East and West. To see this
fence and reali ze what is on
the other side has helped me
see the importance of the
role the military plays in
I have seen the unrest
among the younger generation
about having the U.S. forccs
in Germany; I have seen the
lived in the
community in which a
terrorist attack left thirteen
automobiles destroyed.
With these experiences and
lessons, l agree that the
withdrawal of milítary forces
from Europe is something the
Europeans need to think long
and hard about.
Tony Huizinga
Student, Nort hwes tern College
Orange City, lowa
About the item entitled
"Where U.S., Soviets Work
find that hard to
believe, and question whether
the Soviet aircraft were
carrying the food to those who
need it, rather than
feathering the government's
own nest.
say this because the
Soviet-backed government in
Ethiopia carried out a
deliberate plan of disrupting
the economy.
confiscated 6 thousand tons of
Australían aid (early 1985),
imposed taxes and handling
charges on food aid, spent
$200 million on celebrating
the anniversary of the 1974
revolution and allowed
Western relief agencies to
bring in their own trucks-so
long as they are Mercedes and
ownership is passed to the
government. A $5 millíon
statue of Lenin has been bui lt,
and it was Lenin who said,
"Famine ... performs a
progressive function .
forces peasants from the
villages into the city,
thus ... speeding the
industrialization of the
nation." Drought may be a
natural occurrence, but famine
is undoubtedly a man-made
consequcnce, and to be
expected if people do not
follow biblical principies.
l hope that you will be able
to publish this letter, long
though it is, so that your
readers will be acquainted
with the
"plain truth"!
Brisbane, Queensland
n 1945
was in Leyte and
in Manila at the time that
U.S. and other countries'
civilian prisoners were being
liberated. Most noticeable was
the fact that the small
chi ldren were in reasonably
good condition, while the
adults were scarcely-alive
skeletons who had sacrificed
themselves for the younger
in a rural health program in
Ethiopia, in many arcas which
are those now suffering from
famine. lt is distressing to me
to note that the Ethiopians
shown in most of the coverage
by the media depict
who are "scarcely-alive"
skeletons, while the
in very good
hope that the food and
medica! attention which may
be reaching the affected arcas
are first reaching the children,
and that adults are being
restrained until the children
are cared for! The scenes
observed in the Philippines
and in Ethiopia seem to
reflect quite different sets of
Pletsch, Ph.D.
Gainesville, Florida
peace (see Revelation 2:26).
anarchy from which the whole
world suffers."
What Dr. Brown is describing, in
secular terms, is not only what is
certainly needed, but
what is soon
to occur
to this war-ravaged planet.
Yet politicians cannot bring it
Many of the great minds of this
world- scientists, educators, politi–
cians- know that world govern–
ment is urgently needed. But they
can't see how it will come about. " 1
am not so na'ive," said Dr. Brown,
"as to suppose that a full-fledged
world government can be created in
the near future. "
The creation of, as he calls it,
"truly effective peace-keeping ma–
chinery" is imperative, so that " in–
ternational disputes, together with
warlike actions", can be handled by
means of a "global legal code
backed up by the legal, military
and economic machinery needed to
take firm enforcement measures
when required."
November/ December 1985
What is coming is the govern–
ment of God, to be brought to th is
earth by the living J esus Christ.
will enforce the one "global legal
code" that all men can live by suc–
cessfully- the law of God.
I t
have the "legal, military
and economic machinery" and
power necessary to enforce world
Scripture reveals that it will. In
the words of Jesus Christ, the com–
ing King of kings: "With men this
is impossible, but with God all
things are possible."